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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner

That's an old Christian saying, but I don't think it's from the Bible, I think it's just something that somebody made up. I don't know if it applies in this case or not. I have known a few gays in my life and, while I wouldn't say that I loved them, I can't say that I hated them either. As for the actual practice, I certainly hate that. Well, hate is a strong word, let's just say that I disapprove of it. I suppose it's none of my business what people do on their own time, as long as they don't try to involve me in it but, if someone asked me if I thought they should do it, I would tell them "no".

As I have said before, first it was a crime, then it was a sickness, and now people are saying that it's normal. I think making it a crime was a bit harsh, and I wouldn't recommend going back to that. I was comfortable with calling it a sickness, but maybe that's just because I grew up hearing that said. Normal is a funny word, and I suppose it has more than one definition. So, by what definition is this thing normal? In Greek, a norm is a standard, and I think that's the origin of our word "normal". Maybe the ancient Greeks thought it was normal, but that's because they didn't know any better. If they were so smart, why did they take a perfectly good empire and run it into the ground like they did? Now their country is bankrupt and  they're crying for the rest of Europe to bail them out. If I wanted to hang out with people like that, Detroit is a lot closer to Beaglesonia than Greece is. I don't approve of Detroit either. If I had my way, Detroit would have been kicked out of Michigan a long time ago, but that's a whole nother story.

Maybe common sense isn't the right term for it either. As you pointed out, common sense implies that a bunch of people thought about it, and I don't think this thing needs to be thought about. It's just naturally inherently wrong and that's that. Fifty years go, if you asked anybody, including most gays themselves, if it was wrong, they would have said "yes" without even thinking about it. Since then, public opinion has changed, and without my vote. Who makes these decisions anyway, and why do people listen to them instead of to me? How do you get the job of telling people what to think? Do you have to take a test, or do you just have to know somebody? In the army we used to say, "It's not who you know, it's who you blow." I believe the original saying was, "It's not what you know, it's who you know.", but I like the military version because it's more evocative, and probably closer to the truth.

I have the right to not like homosexuality just as you have the right to not like hunting. That doesn't mean we can do anything to stop it, it just means we don't have to like it. Those trophy hunters that go trekking off to Africa are a different breed than the good old boys who take Old Betsy out to the back forty to put a deer in the freezer. I suppose they are a lot like those mountain climbers, now that you mention it. It's not just Africa anymore either, Central Asia is getting in on it, I suppose for  money. They have a number of exotic goat and sheep species that live so far back in the mountains that they have to pipe sunshine in just so the hunters can see to shoot. A guy has to be in top physical shape to go on a hunt like that, and they actually train for months to get that way. More power too them, I say, as long as I don't have to do it too.

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