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Friday, August 14, 2015

slipping something in the back door

Being a cat man I never felt the allure of the noble wolf.  I guess it depends on how much of a nuisance it is.  Usually those cattle guys are the ones who get fired up about this because they lose some cattle.  Sometimes though they blow it up out of proportion. I guess it would depend on the case; I would have to put it into the crucible. 

You know even though I disapprove of hunting, I know that disapproval is irrational, so I disregard it and think it is perfectly fine for you guys to bag a meal or two a few times a year, and i don't mind your hunting rifles.  But there is an unmistakable allure of guns.  Every gun nut I know has more than he needs and speaks about them like old and treasured friends, and that's a little strange, but that's ok.  Well I am just creeping up on the old gun control argument and let's not go there on a warm summer morning. 

I believe I have already made my case against discriminating against gays several times.  I don't see why having had an opinion first means you don't have to defend it.  I don't know why you want to have years of argument, but I do like argument.  Not to crazy about a civil war though.  One Ken Burns special is quite enough for me thank you.  Was that slipping something in the back door 'crack,' a little Beagles sly humor?

I suppose in some circles you could get into trouble for that, like if you were running for some office or if this blog was widely read.  Oh that whole thing is just crazy.  Like someone posted on fb this sign, one of those things that faces the street where the owner can put in black letters and usually they are like announcing somebody's birthday or welcoming home the local conquering football team, that some local tradesman had spelled out something like it has been a year since Michael Brown (the Ferguson victim) has committed a crime.  Which is kind of stupid, one could as well have put up a sign that it has been a year since Darren Wilson (the cop) had shot anybody.

Anyway the sign could have just sat there and folks could have snickered or snorted, but somebody had to put it on fb, and then there are all those messages pro and con, and I suppose I have too much time on my hands and I read through some of them, and one guy was particularly vocal on the anti Brown side, so I clicked on his page, and there was a posting of that Calvin character from Calvin and Hobbes pissing on Obama's head, and that was it, no words or anything.  I suppose the guy has a right to do that, but why would anybody?  Oh just venting I suppose.

One of the things about Lost City that I liked was where the guys were going to the bar before or maybe it was right after, or maybe it was instead of, church.  And they knew they were sinning, and they knew that they would have to do something to make up for it, and that they would probably sin again, because that is the way the world was.  What I liked about it is the owning up of the sinning.  It seems to me that anymore people are all like, I was under a lot of stress, and blah blah blah, and circumstances forced me into it, so it is really not my fault at all, and so I haven't sinned.  I don't like the way people don't own up to things today.

That's what I remember.  I'll have to reread it.  Well we have a long summer weekend do we not?

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