We toss these words around, discrimination, persecution, i suppose if
you are discriminating against someone you are persecuting them, that is
if you are the people who have all the money and own all the property,
and you won't let another group who has neither buy your property or
earn your wages. Way back when we were lads, an upstanding straight
white man was expected to discriminate against nonstraight, nonwhite,
nonmen. When you went to that snooty club for cigars and brandy you
certainly didn't want to rub elbows with gays, blacks, or women.
Anymore all those people can smoke and drink together. I heard they
even let a swamp Bohunk in, but the people there were not up to his
snuff, and he was sure they would disappoint him somewhere down the line
so he he went back to the swamp where he could be disappointed with
them from a distance.
You are always going on about how things have changed since we were
lads, but you know things have always been changing, time is a river,
blah, blah, blah. Change is kind of like winter, you may like it or you
may hate it, but it's always going to be there, and it's perfectly fine
to complain about it to your friends and neighbors, but these
complaints become a little tiresome in a high class blog such as this
And anyway things were wrong back then, blacks couldn't vote or buy
property in the nice parts of town or get those good jobs, gays could go
to jail for practicing the love that dare not speak its name, and women
had a hard time becoming doctors and lawyers. Surely you admit that
that was wrong. Now it's better, quit complaining.
What i meant by sin, and this is pretty much my own definition, is
knowing something is wrong and doing it anyway. I was going to trot out
some examples. but not many came to mind, not that I am sinless, but I
just don't do much of anything anymore. I used to steal. Way back in
my hippie days I used to shoplift books. I suppose I had some halfass
theory where I was liberating them from the corrupt establishment, but I
knew in my heart that what I was doing was wrong, but I wanted the book
and so I took it. Anymore my sins would be something like treating
somebody unfair because I didn't want to take the time to treat them
right, or not recycling something because it was too much bother.
And there is guilt there when I know I have sinned. I suppose that
keeps me from doing it very often and that makes me a better person, and
I suppose when somebody else sins it makes me more tolerant of them, so
long as they admit they sinned and vow to try to not do it again, even
though we both know we will because we are imperfect vessels.
Wow, sounds like I have bought into that original sin thing that I am
always declaiming about. In my case I think it is more about putting
yourself first, giving yourself a bit of an advantage in an unfair
manner over somebody else. That's what I think of as sin.
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