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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hating the hunter, loving the Italian beef.

Sorry, another internet outage.  It's an outrage.

I never liked that hate the sin, love the sinner phrase.  I guess it's okay if the sinner is a bank robber or a hooker or something, but if they are gay, or like a hunter, they don't necessarily see what they are doing as a sin, and doing it is kind of who they are, and so if they continue to do it, and all you can do is try to stop them from doing it, it doesn't sound much like love to me.

I don't know that anybody is calling gayness normal.  Estimates vary, let's say 5 percent, and google confirms this at about 4 percent.  So that's a little more than rare, but still probably unusual.  Well normal has a mathematical meaning, but it also has another meaning sort of as not unhealthy.  How's my baby, Doc.  Oh he's normal.  I guess in the total world population probably less than four percent are blonde, but we don't think of blondes as abnormal.

So what, you think public opinion should never change, it should always be, oh I guess the way it was when you were a lad, go a little before that and there is nothing wrong with slavery, and a little before that and there is nothing wrong with torching witches, and go way back and the Christians are ruining the empire and the lions are hungry.  And why are we even talking about public opinion?  When were you ever a fan of public opinion?  The only time you like it is when it agrees with something you believe, and anymore that isn't very often.

And again you are believing that there is some group, Them, I believe is the word we decided on, that is controlling everything.  If everybody believed something at one time and now they believe something else, you think it must be because They decided They want them to.  Rubbish.

How about this theory:  We are all have a vote, and when it comes to an issue, we need to think about it.  We can't just say, this is the way we think and there is no reasoning about it.  What if a bunch of us got together and we all hated hunting, and it turns out there were 51 percent of us, and we all wanted to pass a law making deer hunting illegal, and one of our issues was that deer were being hunted to extinction.  And you would want to tell us that there are plenty of deer and no way were those two a year in Beaglesonia going to make them extinct, and we said, we don't care what you have to say, we already believe what we are going to believe and we don't intend to ever change that, so give up old Betsy Beaglesonian Boy, and by the way, here is a gay dog we want you to marry.

But there is something to what you say about disapproval.  Logically I think most hunting is just fine.  People enjoy it, it keeps them from doing drugs and joining gangs.  Nowadays whenever you are doing something, skateboarding or collecting stamps, or blogging, that doesn't involve doing drugs and joining gangs, Society smiles.  Anyway no harm in some good old boys roaming in their orange vests, putting a piece of meat on the table. 

But you know, deep down I don't approve.  It's at that moment when the target is in the site and the trigger is pulled.  One minute Bambi is happily munching vegetation in a sylvan glade, and the next thing his whole life is gone, and what does Elmer get out of it but a mess of meat which he could just as easily have gotten by driving down to the Jewel.  Of course all that meat at the Jewel, somebody pulled a trigger on it, well pushed a button, something, and isn't that an Italian beef in your hand City Boy?  Well yes it is. 

So I don't know, it's not logical.  But still I disapprove.  Why would somebody enjoy reducing that magnificent beast to a pile of meat?  On the other hand isn't that sandwich tasty?  I can give it the logical argument, and I can see no error in my logic, but still I disapprove.  Does this describe the way you feel about the gays?

But I recognize that it's illogical, and so should a vote come before me on whether or not to allow hunters to marry, I would have to vote to allow it, whether it be their hypothetical wives or their gay dogs.

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