The main point I was trying to make about the Oscars and the
Baseball Hall of Fame was how bent out of shape people get when their heroes
don’t get awards and don’t get voted in. It just seems silly to
I never did get the story, if there is one, about why you don’t
care at all about sports. Maybe there isn’t one, maybe you were just never
interested. In a way it is a blessing, because than you never have to go into
the sports section to see what the score of the game is, and page past all these
articles written by grown men, hopping mad that their team lost and blaming it
all on some player who didn’t play well, or a manager who didn’t manage well,
and it is never because the player or manager had a bad day or an unlucky break
or maybe the other team was simply better, it is because of some moral fault in
the player or manager and nothing else will do to remedy the situation then off
with their heads, and if the owners of the team don’t do that, then they are
morally corrupt and off with their heads too.
They never write a column saying that a previous column they wrote
was crappy and so they are chopping off their own heads.
The Oscars are a little like that with some critic complaining to
holy hell that his favorite movie didn’t win, and again it is not simply because
a certain group of people voted some way on a certain day, whereas another group
of people would have voted another way, or even the same people might have voted
different on a different day. No, it is a terrible injustice that will tarnish
the shiny tinsel of Tinseltown. And then they have this whole contingent of
politically correct characters who count the women and the blacks and the asians
and gays and whatever, and if they are not represented in precisely the right
amounts, or if one group says something that offends some other group that is a
tarnish of the tinsel. And movies take on a political hue, and if the liberal
movies don’t win that is an insult to the left and if the conservative movie
doesn’t, that is an insult to the right, and Fox is convinced that the whole
thing is a plot by Obama to institute sharia law and to make Beagles marry his
gay dog.
See what you are missing, Buckaroo? And why buckaroo, or even more
interesting where did -aroo come from, and speaking of that what of
I had a friend who was a compulsive liar. Like your friend he was
kind of cagey about it. He claimed to have been a minor league hockey player,
which was kind of cool in our crowd, but not so prominent that anybody would
look it up and find him wrong. Sometimes a couple days after I told him
something interesting that happened to me, I would overhear him telling the same
story to somebody else, only now he was the star of the story. Poor guy. We
confronted him once about his lying and he confessed to everything, but then he
kept on doing it, because I suppose it was the only thing he knew how to do.
He never got beyond driving a cab, and telling everybody that he
was in grad school, in physics I think. I went to his funeral, and since he
wasn’t religious they had to give the priest something someone had written, and
all of a sudden the priest was reading something about how he had been a
skydiver. I like to think the guy went out on a high note.
But normally I don’t mind a guy who tells a fib or two now and
then. It makes life more interesting and I always think a good story is better
than a true story.
You know Clint wanted me to star in that Sniper movie, but I was
busy setting up my art show at the Ten Cat so I turned him down.
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