Here’s a map I came across on fb. You may already have come across
it. My mother’s sister used to live in Grand Rapids where we used to visit so I
am a bit familiar with the Chicago fans, the Dutch people, and the beach bums.
The nudists must have been off on holiday when we passed through. I guess this
makes you a bridge troll.
A buck got its name from that movie Uncle Buck because the John
Candy character was always handing out dollar tips, unless he was at an art fair
buying painted saws, and then he always tipped the artist a tenner. I am worn
out from doing all that internet research yesterday, so I am just trusting to my
common sense, which is pretty sharp I think you will have to
I have heard things referred to as doe skin when they are supposed
to be very soft and ladylike. Probably they are lying to us about what kind of
deer the stuff came from. What do you do with your skins? I thought you
weren’t supposed to shoot fawns. Does anybody raise deer like people raise
cattle? Outside of those Buckstop crooks, who probably just claimed
Interstates, because they have all those big rigs shooting down
them, create their own jet streams which separate one weather system from
another, see, didn’t need no stinking internet research for that
I think we get most of our water from the gulf, and with the
rockies blocking that warm moist air we won’t be wasting it on the Canadians any
more. They can flood their skating rinks from Hudson Bay from now
I think California is so dry because when they were parting the Red
Sea for Moses in The Ten Commandments, they screwed up and never got that water
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