There was an article in one of the major medical magazines some
time ago that linked vaccinations to autism. I don’t know how it ever got in
the magazine because it was totally bogus, and was soon debunked, but that’s
what started the present furor. The thought that the government is secretly
poisoning the citizens is always popular among the American people. I suspect
these people were mainly the organic food fanatic types who will turn up their
nose at a supermarket apple but gladly down a bottle of pills from who knows
where as long as it is sold in a cute little organic foods store.
I do remember as a wee lad being corralled into a room where we
were all given shots. That was in the days when we had air raid drills where we
were supposed to go out in the hallway and duck and cover I suppose. What a
time that was, so scientific and yet so wacky. I suppose that is the way it is
for all generations. At first adults seem so smart, and then they seem so
stupid, and then you are one, and you know that you are kind of stupid, but you
don’t let on in front of the kids.
I always get my shots, flu, pneumonia, shingles, tetanus. I’ve
never gotten sick from any of them, but that is the anecdotal evidence that I
decry from high on my high horse.
I suspect that that woman saw you for the young smartass you were
and decided she was giving this punk a shot no matter what. I do like the moral
of your story.
I’m looking for another topic here. How about cellphones? And of
course I mean those so-called smart phones. Of course I hate them. A friend
who came to visit during my show, who had been a longtime smartphone hater like
myself, had just gotten one and has been totally transformed. Made me sick.
Sick I tell you. Myself I have decided that when they pry my landline out of my
aged hands I will get a telegraph and anyone who wants to talk to me will just
have to learn Morse code.
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