I agree with you on the reason people immigrate to here, it’s not
our freedom they desire, but our stuff. I suppose it is better not to have a
repressive government, but I think mostly people want to be able to earn big
bucks and buy big things.
Now that I think about it, I wonder if Iraq had any kind of
underground movement before we invaded it. Well I’m sure that they had some
fundamentalists and some commie types, but I’m guessing the Shias had their own
fundamentalists and commies, and the Sunnis theirs and the Kurds their own, so
there were no nationwide underground organizations.
I wonder about the Syrians. From here it looked like what happened
at first was freedom loving guys took up their guns against that awful Assad,
and actually it looked for a bit like they might just pull it off, but then
Assad brought in Hezbollah and then the freedom loving guys found those ISIS
guys fighting alongside them, and outfighting them, and more interested in
establishing the caliphate than a free Syria, and now it looks like it is
basically Sunni vs Shia and now everybody is involved, and probably the people
of Syria would have been better off had those freedom loving guys never took up
their guns.
Back to Iraq, since we didn’t really want to stick around we
installed, or helped install, a variety of guys, and now we have this Malaki who
we want to dump, although how we do that when we only have token forces there is
beyond me. And we will be glad to see Karzai gone in Afghanistan, but we will
probably not like whoever takes his place. Well that’s the problem, there are
no good guys to pick. We have to pick somebody who is acceptable to their
people, and mostly their people hate us because our army is there, so we end up
putting in some guy who doesn’t like us either.
And then in Israel, three Jews get assassinated (strange that we
still don’t know exactly who did that) and the next thing you know the
Transformers are let loose on Gaza, and the idiots at Hamas are pumping their
popgun missiles into Israel. And neither side wants to stop unless the other
side does first, and it looks like Israel will kill a bunch of Gazans, and
finally pull out once they think they have weakened Hamas enough, but all the
relatives of all the people they killed will be radicalized and so maybe ten
years down the road the same thing will be happening again.
Oh but Ukraine, that’s what had me going on about the UN. It looks
pretty sure that pro-Russian Ukrainians were armed by Russia with this Buk
missile thing, which is a terribly irresponsible thing to do, and if Putin were
a decent guy he would do something to atone for it, but he’s not a decent guy so
who knows, maybe nothing will happen.
I wanted the UN to be stronger because maybe we could live with a
little more repression if it would keep airplanes in the sky, and whatever
collateral damages these wars cause down a bit. But we can’t actually know that
it will, and who knows how repressive the UN would become if we gave it actual
power. Back in my hippie days I was sort of for the commies taking over other
countries, but not the US because I didn’t want to live by all those
Of course I move in different circles now than in my bungalow belt
days at Gage Park, but I have to say that racial attitudes are much more
tolerant than they were back in the day when they were throwing rocks at Martin
Luther King in Marquette Park. It’s not just Chicago of course, it’s
everywhere, and that’s good. When I was subbing I saw almost no friction
between the races in the student body and the faculty also.
What happened with the Indians up there? You know the French
comingled quite a bit with the Indians way back so that everybody hanging around
the trading posts were part French and part Indian and some had French names and
some had Indian names. So I imagine those Frenchmen who found out that they
were Indians were also part French. This whole thing about what race you are is
mostly bullshit. I think we have discussed this before.
So what’s this about how it is not our country anymore?
As the old joke goes, what do you mean we Kimosabe? Who are the
we you are talking about? Straight white people I assume. Although a
hundred fifty years ago, you would have been off-white, and part of the they
who were moving in and taking the country over. There’s maybe five or ten
percent black people living in Marina City, and I am sure there are many married
gay people, but I don’t feel at all taken over. And I’ll wager if the gays
moved in north of you and the blacks south of you and the Mexicans in the west
and some Islamic folk to the east, you would not be moving either.
So there.
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