I tell you the first thing that is going to happen when the federal
government disappears in a puff of smoke, we in Illinois are going to raise a
mighty army and conquer Michigan. Oh I’m sorry, we are going to free the proud,
freedom-loving Michiganders from their despotic government, and they will strew
our path with tulips. Oh I suppose there will be some soreheads among them, and
we might be stretched a bit thin after we conquer the Hoosiers along the way,
but maybe we can make some deal with the Chinese to help us out in exchange for
say Indianapolis. But we will spare Beaglesonia to make it an Illinoisia park
where people can go to see the last remaining sorehead mutter his rant as he
drives his tractor around and shoots Bambi, followed by his gay male dog, to
which, of course, he will be married.
On a slightly more serious side, the only thing that makes you
suck/radicals love your state government is that it’s not the federal
government, and without the feds you will be itching to shutdown your state
government, and after that will come the county and then the city and then the
book club, and then we will all become Sonians, like Beaglesonians, and
UncleKenSonians and so on, but I guess that would make you happier than Bambi
seeing you stumble and shoot yourself in the nuts, so maybe you win after all.
But that poor gay dog is going to be lonely.
So brown noses at Gage Park were kids who got pretty good grades
and behaved and went in for that rah rah stuff, and I think you ROTC types were
suspect of that sort of thing too. So would a suck at the mill be someone who
would be described as a company man? What would be a radical? Did you have
hippie types there? Was there any dope smoking or other drugs going on? Were
there some comsymps? Or were they just people who were generally negative or
talked against the company?
Strikes me that at Gage Park we had the rah rahs, and the
greasers. I always sort of wanted to be like a greaser. Me and Woody and some
of our pals would hang out on street corners and smoke cigarettes and try and
look tough, though of course we weren’t tough at all. The rah rah types were
sometimes called college preps, and sure enough, when I got to college there
were nothing but prep types. There were no greasers. I remember in study hall
sometimes kids in the back of the room would Moo, or make various animal noises,
but in college lectures nobody did that. Later on the hippies appeared, and we
called the non hippies, straights, not that that had anything to do with sexual
orientation, it just meant they weren’t hippies.
Well maybe we need to return to our high school days to sort this
all out.
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