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Friday, July 11, 2014

Not With My Vote!

I can't control what other people think about gay marriage, or anything else for that matter. All I've got is one vote, and they'll never get it. Like any other issue, if it's something that the Establishment wants, they will get it eventually, but they won't get it with my vote. If Dylan or anybody else wants to do rock music, I can't stop him, but I sure as hell don't have to buy his records.

After I signed off last night, it occurred to me that you could probably rent a car at the airport to get you that last 20 miles to Beaglesonia. I know that there are guns in Chicago, but how many do you and your friends have? Don't count on any help from the colored folks, they can't tolerate our cold winters. Anyway, even if you did conquer Beaglesonia, what would you do with it? In order to survive here, you'd have to become like unto us. I suppose we could assimilate you. Is that what you want?

I don't think I ever heard the term "Islamofascists" until I heard it from you awhile back. I have heard the term "ilk" before, but I didn't know that I had one until you told me that I did. Be that as it may, the companies that make the most money, and whose stocks do well in the market, are generally the ones that provide a useful product or service at a competitive price. I suppose there are exceptions, but that's the general rule.

I think I told you, all that radical and suck stuff was just a bunch of social crap, not unlike the social crap they had when we were in school. It just goes to show you the kind of creative things people can come up with for entertainment when they don't have real lives.

I never had to nag my parents for money when I was a kid. They provided all the necessities, and I had my own money from working in my dad's store for discretionary spending. I think that's one reason I turned out different than a lot of other kids. There is something about having your own money that makes you feel more responsible for your own destiny, which I believe is a good thing.

What do you make of the current rash of unaccompanied children from Central America that are turning up at the Mexican border? It seems to me that somebody is trying to overwhelm the system, but I don't know why. The drug smugglers and illegal workers already come and go at will. I'll see what I can find out about it over the weekend.

Have a good one.

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