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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let's Negotiate

Before we wage war, shouldn't we try diplomacy first? I can't speak for the Upper Peninsula because they already have plans to go their own way, but I will trade you the Southern Lower for rural Illinois, say anything outside a 100 or 200 mile radius of Marina City. I'm sure the Hoosiers would be happy to give you the greater Gary area, and they might not even want anything from you in return. Wisconsin will probably give you their larger cities as well, and the remainder will likely strike their own deal with our Yoopers.

The advantage of dissolving the Union would be that each state could do whatever they want without bothering anybody else. Some states will legalize things like abortion and gay marriage and others won't. Anybody who doesn't like what their state is doing could move to a different state, which is a lot easier than moving to a different country. It won't happen, though, because most people don't want freedom or equality, they want to dominate other people and tell them what to do.

The big sucks at the paper mill weren't necessarily company men, they just kissed up to management, most of whom weren't all that loyal to the company themselves. The radicals were the ones who opposed everything that came down from management, regardless of its merits. It was like they felt obligated to prove to everybody else that they weren't big sucks themselves. It wasn't about anything practical, it was all just social crap. I guess it was like that in high school too, but I didn't realize it at the time because I wasn't paying that much attention to what the other kids were doing. Driving school busses for almost ten years taught me most of what I now know about human nature. I had to pay attention to the other kids then because it was part of my job to keep them under control.

I think that's what's wrong with this country today, grown up people continue to act like they were still in high school. It's not just my opinion either, whole books have been written on the subject. To find out more about it, look up "Youth Culture" on Wiki. When I was young, it was fashionable to be old, and when I got old, it became fashionable to be young. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was some kind of conspiracy against me personally, but that would be just paranoid.

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