I wouldn’t say that Rebel was full of crazy people, or not any
crazier then in any other movie, it was just awkward and things didn’t seem to
fit together. The oddest thing was that most of the teenagers were played by
people in their mid twenties or older. I think we’ve discussed movies before,
but I don’t remember what we said.
Oh of course you have a sister, what was I thinking? It’s just
that you sound like an only child, but maybe the oldest son is close. So why is
she so liberal?
Oh Davy Crockett, I thought he was the greatest thing since sliced
bread, of course I had not been around that long. I had coonskin caps, and
those albums, and the trading cards, and I watched all of the spinoffs on
Disney. I maybe had three different 45s of the song because I was a kid and
kept breaking them. I remember later Disney tried to do the same thing with
Daniel Boone, but it never took off. Daniel Boone was someone we had heard
about in school, so already he was boring, he was like your father’s
And he was more of a pioneer and pioneers were boring. They showed
us all those scratchy movies about pioneers churning butter and making soap, and
I’m all like doncha have anything where a guy’s sleeve catches on the door
handle and he ends up going over the cliff?
But anyway some people think that whole Davy Crockett phenomenon
was partly responsible for the sixties. Suddenly they were selling all this
merchandise to kids, and by using that new fangled tv they could run commercials
and appeal to them to buy more, and they followed, or promoted, or invented that
whole youth culture thing which made us feel like we were somebody important and
not just a bunch of kids waiting around to grow up. And then you add to that
drugs, and the unpopular war, and the fact that there were so dang many of us,
and boom.
Do you remember the time they killed that black guy at 59th and
Kedzie with a hammer? I remember that was a big deal, but it was before I
really started reading newspapers so everything I knew about it, I heard from
someone else. But I googled around for it a year or two ago ‘fifty ninth and
kedzie racial attack,’ and came across the story. It seems like that was the
work of the Rebels also. Hum, googled ‘chicago cornell park shooting,’ and came
up with nothing.
Maybe that’s the way the world is, just a bunch of countries, each
one wanting to go their own way, and always fighting each other, and no police
to go to to settle their hashes. What if we had a really strong UN? Sure we
would give up some of our freedoms, but we already have, to the countries we
belong to, but like I said people would always rather be oppressed by their own
kind than by a bunch of strangers. I am thinking of the shooting down of that
plane over Ukraine is kind of like innocent bystanders who get killed when some
stoopid kid is shooting at a corner where some guys are wearing the wrong
colored hats. We have gone so far beyond zip guns that maybe we need some blue
helmeted guys to bust our heads.
It seems to me that most of this hatred over immigration is white
people being pissed off about brown people getting into the country. It’s
people who don’t like anybody who isn’t like them, and they get whipped up into
a fury and it’s mostly to harvest their votes, because we ain’t shipping them
back and there is no fence high enough to keep them out. In the cities where
people are jammed together there are more incidents than in the country, but
there are more people. If you examine tolerance, there is much more tolerance
in the cities than in emptier spaces.
Isn’t one of our national principles the equality of all men, so
maybe we ought to take people who don’t feel like that and ship them out of the
country, maybe on a jet plane to Ukraine. I know that’s extreme, but I am
trying to provoke for over the weekend. I agree that there are concerns about
people coming willy nilly into the country, but I believe a lot of this anti
immigration stuff is really racism (didn’t you want to deport anybody who even
had a Mexican sounding name?), pretending to be concerned with something more
abstract and antiseptic.
As for central America. A lot of them are coming here, but more
are staying. And they don’t want us, and we don’t want them.
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