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Monday, July 14, 2014

Occam's razor

We’re not talking about controlling what people think about gay marriage, we’re talking about controlling the behavior of gay people by not letting them get married. Of course I suppose I am controlling the behavior of gun nuts by voting for gun control, that is if there ever were any gun control measures on the ballot, which there aren’t. I do have a reason for voting that way, because I don’t want to get shot, whereas you have no reason for voting against gay marriage except that you just don’t like it. But so it goes, we have been over all this so many times.

Oh we shall be carried through Indiana up north through Michigan on the shoulders of the petal strewing citizenry eager to sample that Chicago politics that they have heard so much about. But you’re right there’s not much for us in your land of lite tundra. We just want to make you marry your gay dogs because we are animal lovers.

I’m going to differ with you on how the companies that make the best products generally make the most money. Says who? This is something you have to believe to cling to your laissez faire capitalism and your libertarian cred, but it’s something you just assume because of ideology, there is no proof that any of this is true.

Islamofacists was a term in great favor among the Foxies maybe five years ago, I don’t know why they dropped it, too many syllables probably.

Sucks and rads just a bunch of social crap? What else is there besides social crap? Why did they decide on those terms? Was it something that people got pissed about, or was it just some kind of name-calling like between fans of rival sports teams? If it’s like what we did in high school it would interest me all the more, because that’s before we began to think things through and just gathered opinions the way a rolling stone does.

I believe there may be something to being the son of a shopkeeper that effected your attitudes. You actually saw work being done, and money changing hands, whereas a kid like me, I saw Dad go off to work and then I saw him come back, and I never saw exactly where the money came from.

I guess I believe it’s rumors that bring those kids over. I don’t believe it is some mysterious sinister force. I almost never believe in mysterious sinister forces, because almost nothing ever turns out to have been the result of mysterious sinister forces. I am an Occam’s razor kind of guy.

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