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Monday, July 6, 2015

the law of the land?

I've been kind of all over the place on meaning.  Well it's a vague thing and I don't really believe in it.  And all I have been talking about is my personal kind of meaning rather than what other people might  have for meaning. 

To use my analogy I guess only the questers would be looking for meaning.  The cruisers wouldn't care and the warriors and the climbers would think they already had the meaning.  I forget now why we were talking about  it, but I suppose that is just as well, if we ever settled anything what would we have to talk about?

My painting is not very mystical, I'm not trying to capture the essence of anything.  I mainly use the subject matter as a kind of framework, a skeleton to hang my stuff on, but I go back and forth between what the subject really looks like and whatever pattern I want to put on it.  I leave out stuff I don't like, and I put in stuff that I would rather have.

The laws making it illegal to discriminate against gays are state laws.  The laws against discriminating on race are federal laws like the open housing act.  Remember the ERA?  That was a big deal at the time, but it never made it.  Of course that was a constitutional amendment and those are hard to get done.  But it seems like that worked out okay, because nobody would openly discriminate against women these days. 

Talking about this I am embarrassed to admit that I am not sure where our laws come from, acts of congress, presidential decrees, supreme court rulings, constitutional amendments? 

George Wallace stood foursquare against the feds on discrimination and the feds sent in troops to integrate the University of Alabama, but they never tried to depose the governor or sue him or anything.  States are making pot legal, which is against the federal law and I suppose the feds could just march in and arrest everybody working in the dispensaries, and I think they did some of that in California, but mostly they are hanging back and not enforcing the law. 

I guess the government can pick and choose which laws to enforce which on the face of it doesn't seem right, but I guess it would be a mess if the government tried to enforce all the laws.  Well I just don't know.

There is a problem with god speaking to people.  The Mormons founded their church on the assumption that revelation trumps what went before, but then their members started having their own revelations, and the Mormon church had to declare something like the time of revelations was over.

I got your letter about Rev Anderson.  I don't remember him, he was after my time.  He sounds pretty liberal.  I'm interested in his book because I wonder what his memories and thoughts are on what was going on in Chicago during the King marches.  I think you could get in touch with him through his publisher.

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