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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

nuts is nuts

Well I don’t know anymore if anybody uses those race boxes to determine anything, and certainly not to do anything for anybody who might be getting the short stick anymore. I guess the Hispanics might like it because they keep winning it, that is their numbers keep getting bigger, but how does that help Jose Sies Paqute? Hey did you know that if you individually translate six and pack you get what I wrote, but if you put both words in the little box, you get ‘six pack’. So I guess once they vastly outnumber us and put us in little reservations, they will still have to honor us on Gringo Day for giving them the six pack.

I have this friend in Indiana who rents a house on a farm and at night you can sit on the edge of the vast cornfield and hear howls from beyond that drives my friend’s little dog nuts. Coy dogs says the farmer, the mating of domestic dogs and coyotes, but I don’t buy it. First of all most domestic dogs are just too odd to live in the wild, secondly coyotes have honed their survival skills over millions of years, so how is a half-dog, half-coyote, going to compete with them?

But I did see that same tv show I think. I think it was grey(?) wolves who left that part of the country and coyotes moved in, and then the grey wolves moved back and started mating with the coyotes.

I don’t know anything about Isle Royale, do we need wolves there? I guess otherwise the deer get all spindly because they have eaten everything there is to eat. Well I guess it’s good that there are wolves howling at the moon out there even though I will never hear or see them. I don’t guess they really howl at the moon though, they just howl and sometimes the moon is out.

That was Alan Turing they gave the apology to. You didn’t ask, but I will tell you anyway about the Turing Test. It’s basically a test of artificial intelligence. There are two schools on artificial intelligence, one that having machines that talk like humans is just around the corner and the other that it will probably never happen. The Turing Test is where you go in a room with just a computer and talk to something from another room that may be a human on another computer, or just a computer, and if it turns out to be the computer and you can’t tell within five minutes than you can consider it to be intelligent.

I wasn’t all that surprised when the computers beat the chess masters, after all chess is just math, but when that robot did so well in Jeopardy I was impressed.

What about this guy who shot up Fort Hood? You guys say if everybody had been armed they would have shot him down like a dog after he had killed one or two. My people say if he hadn’t been able to load up on guns and ammo at Gunther’s Gun-O-Rama, he never would have shot anybody.

Well we can do that in our sleep can we not? But what I found interesting was they were interviewing some ‘expert,’ and he was saying we have to do more for our mideast vets, and then the reporter said the guy had never been to the mideast, and then the expert said, well we need more facilities to help all our vets, and the reporter said this guy was at a facility to help our vets, and the expert kind of mumbled, well we need more.

People have been going crazy forever, probably at the same rate today as way back when. Why do people act so surprised and shocked about it? Why do they claim to want answers? There are no answers. When one of these guys doesn’t shoot himself and they are able to question him, his answer is invariably something like, the sun was in his eyes, or somebody cancelled his favorite sitcom.  

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