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Friday, April 18, 2014

No more wacko theories

Just because some people believe in a story doesn’t mean very much. I believe there is still a flat earth society. The coal and oil fat cats have no problem finding some guys with good academic credentials to say global warming is a myth.

In life Son, you will run across many occasions where one group of people is saying one thing and another group is saying another thing. The proper thing to do is find out why each side believes what they do, weigh the evidence, and come to a logical conclusion. The improper thing is to pick a side because it goes along with most of the stuff you believe already, or maybe because you like one group better than the other, or maybe just because what the hell.

It’s a lot of work weighing the evidence on both sides, especially if it’s a subject you don’t know much about in the first place, and there are deer to be hunted and fish to be fished and tunes to invent, so sometimes we look for a short cut. An easy and obvious one is which side most people believe. It’s a tricky one though because it’s wrong a lot. I generally look for some kind of academic standing, not just for the person giving the opinion, but where he stands among others of academic standing, maybe review why he believes what he does, ah blah, blah, blah.

We’ve been here before, but we’re not going there again. The next time you drag in some wacko theory that you read somewhere sometime but you can’t remember who the author was or whatever, I am just going to say bullshit and move on.

I am going to the Ten Cat tonight, and maybe I will be talking to Jake and the subject of libertarians will come up and he will say that they are all pederasts, and I will ask him where he got that and he will say he read it in a magazine once, and there is some website on the internet. But I won’t be writing on my next post that I hear you guys are all pederasts, and when asked for evidence, say well some people think so, and their theory has never been disproven.

If you had been awake in science class way back in Gage Park High, you would know that because a theory has never been disproven doesn’t mean shit. It has never been disproven that ghosts roam freely or that the Martians regularly probe us in a personal manner or that the Germans are the master race, and I freely dismiss these things out of hand, and if you don’t like it you can lump it.

That phrase is a bit out of place, but it’s been in my mind and I wanted to use it. Lump it? Who lumps things? And why does whether you like it or not have a bearing on if you lump it?

Just trying to lighten things up, because this whole wacko thing is getting on my nerves. When we are in a disagreement I generally take some time and some key strokes to make my case, which is a bit of work, and then you just say well I heard it somewhere, and if you took five minutes out of hunting and fishing and tuning, and examined it in the clear light of reason you would see that it doesn’t make any sense.

I think I’ve already spent most of my time on this so I will just say briefly that there is no scientific definition of race and people seem to use it however they want to so it has no generally agreed on definition, so it’s best to avoid it if you want to make any kind of logical case.

Everybody comes from someplace else, and also everybody came from someplace else before they were in that place they came from, and so on and so on.

The thing about things like occupying Germany and going to war is that there are a lot of people involved in it and they all have different reasons for doing it. If the Russkies were not on the other side we would never have gone there. If it happened to be say, the French, our allies, who were threatening to dominate the Krauts, we might have expressed our disapproval, but I doubt if we would have come to the aid of the freedom loving Germans, who, remember again, had only recently threatened to kill all of us and take our land.

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