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Friday, August 2, 2024

Don't say that

 I think that thing about the phone spammers is probably correct.

I don't understand that hypothetical thing at all.

I don't understand what elephant has to do with that word.

I am no pc guy but you would probably save yourself and a whole lot of other people a whole lot of trouble by just not saying it.

Suck out my ass, a little too graphic by my delicate standards, but I suppose it is tolerable, just not that other word.

Oh wait, I guess I do understand that hypothetical thing after all.  I remember you writing about it and it is a true story.  The part about the phone is new, but I am guessing that whole thing did happen because when people say, "Or so I have been told," that means the preceding has been what they have experienced. 

I assume then that you have already heard from some gentleman in Petosky what I said about using that word and that that experience will deter you from doing so again.

Probably best not to use it in the blog either.

I have one question though.

What does the elephant have to do with anything?

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