Well it's great to see the old gang back together in a flurry of posts critiquing the Zeitgeist of these days and their place in it. Good to see The Scourge return and showing that he is not just after cleansing errors from small potatoes, but is willing to also take on big political websites like The Hill. And naturally I don't think I agree with his characterization of Beagles and I seeing only in black and white. Some topics, like Trump, have no grey. And isn't he himself seeing Beagles and myself only in black and white? We have depth Man, no really.
The worst thing for me about smartphones is their tiny screen and my big fat clumsy fingers. Not so hot for doing anything complicated. Not so good for outgoing which I generally save for the computer when I get home, but pretty good for incoming, pretty good for catching up on the news, which I do way too often. A shiny object for idle moments which might be better spent on plumbing the mysteries of the cosmos, but where did that ever get anybody anyway?
It's great for nuisance calls however. It blocks many of them. I see the number and name if it's somebody I know. If it's no name then I won't pick up. I can push a button and they get this little message to state their business. They usually hang up at this point, but every now and then they turn out to be someone I want to talk to and then I pick up.
That NASCAR race, well naturally I look down my nose at the sport and its adherents. When they had the first one I was afraid that there would be all this racket, though I admit that State Street right below me is rife with ambulances and fire trucks, which is ok they are performing city services, but also hot rods and motorcycles and those three-wheeled thingies that blast music (though I am developing an appreciation for them, it is music).
But it turned out this far north I never heard a thing. It would be ok if we made a lot of dough, but the last mayor made a sweetheart deal so I don't know if we even broke even. And whenever we have one of these things, and we have them all summer, Grant Park becomes a maze of cyclone fences and teenagers at minimum wages bossing us around in their adenoidal voices, don't go here, don't go there. I don't mind when it's Lollapalooza with the Lolla babes strutting their stuff downtown which rakes in badly needed dough, but NASCAR, and that dreadful Air and Water show, I would be happier without them.
I hope I have caught up with my suddenly chatty colleagues, and I hope to hear from you after the weekend.