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Thursday, July 25, 2024

A mighty storm

 Well first of all, good to see you back Beagles.  And good to hear that the problem was with the computer and not you.

In this season of wild weather Chicago has been pretty fortunate dodging a big fist in the face.  I don't think we have had any fatalities.  

But it was a mighty storm.  I think I read that there were like 33 tornados.  There was one east of Gage Park by Englewood.  In the excitement of the local storm chasers there was a report of one in the loop, but then it was never mentioned again so I don't think it actually happened.  

But it was thrilling.  Tuned into the local channels for the reports and they all had like three different weatherfolks that they switched between, maps with all those graphics as the storm went through podunkia headed east for just north of the city.  There was hysteria and lots of warnings.  

My sister 14 stories above me was in the bathroom and her cat was in the closet, but Sweetie and me watched it from the big balcony window.  Quite a sight, but it did not turn over any of my pots.  But it sure tore into my sunflowers, tomatoes, and morning glories.  They were bent back and rippled fiercely, but come the morning they were standing straight up like nothing ever happened.

Or as Gerard Manly Hopkins would have said:

And for all this storm, nature is never spent;
    There lives the dearest freshness deep down things;
And though the windy rainy lightning off the black West went
    Oh, morning, over the vast lake eastward, springs —
Because the Holy Ghost over Ken's garden
    Broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings.

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