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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Bathtub Incident

 That is a knock off of Martin Niemoller's First they came for the socialists...  Okay I had no idea who Martin Niemoller was until just now when I looked it up.  Interesting fellow it appears.  It's one thing to protest in the USA and face teargas and the possibility of arrest and a whole other thing to stand up against Hitler in Nazi Germany.  Maybe I should read more about him.  

I think perhaps Beagles does the trope a disservice by converting it into a paen to intransigence.  To the very giddy guns are like people, gods even, but I believe that a grounded guy like him does not go for that nonsense.  He is a big believer though in the slippery slope and the never give an inch view of the world, which has led him to vote for Trump because democrats tend to favor gun control, and because of the structure of the electoral college his vote in purple Virginia means something while mine in true blue Illinois goes for nada.

How about that, wrapping up several of my grievances in one snappy little paragraph.  And yet to what effect, writing it down in this blog which has only two other readers?  Oh I often shoot my mouth off in the tavern, but the tavern, being in Chicago, I am just preaching to the choir. I should really get into writing letters to the editor.

I have done so in the past, and there is something very stirring in seeing your name in the newspaper.  But there is also a lot of rejection and then when my finely crafted missive appears it is surrounded by oh, idiot screeds, most of them not very well written at that.  And I have to think that even though my audience is much vaster than on the blog I am likely changing no more minds among the newspaper readers than I am in The Institute.

Well I guess the explanation for The Bathtub Incident is perfectly reasonable.  One might well wonder why Beagles chose the exact time that he was about to step into the shower to teach the hypothetical wife how to load Old Betsy.  Perhaps he heard a twig snap in the swamp, which sounded like democrats coming to take Old Betsy out of his hands, and the gun being unloaded, and no time for Beagles to get into his duds, he had to teach his hypothetical wife to load it so that she could go out there and blast them all to smithereens or at least tell them to get off the property.  I guess he should have told her to keep her finger away from that metal ring thingy, but maybe she was too mesmerized by Beagles in the buff to keep her head straight.

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