After Beagles' long exploration I find myself still unsure of whether or not that gun could have been fired without pulling the trigger. Apparently it depends on the make of gun and the shape that the gun is in.
Sure it would be nice if actors got some kind of gun training. Would be nice if we all learned CPR and he Heimlich maneuver too. Thing is actors are arty and flakey types. Wouldn't it be better to have a highly trained responsible crew to take care of all that. Oh wait isn't that what they did, well except for the responsible part.
I believe this whole thread began with my observation about how giddy some people get around guns. Nobody has like fourteen snow shovels, and is off to the shovel store to stock up on more every time a democrat is elected president.
It was the single simple task of those gun wranglers to keep loaded guns off the set. One job, and not a hard one, but being giddy gun nuts the first thing these guys did was run off to some vacant lot to fire them, because they are guns you know, and after that little blast they were apparently still too giddy to take all the bullets out of their play pretties.
A much simpler solution would be to use only guns that didn't work. Guns that couldn't even take bullets. So much simpler than teaching arty types, or hiring a giddy gang of wranglers.
Hmmm. What if we did that to the whole country? Disabled all guns, but they would still look fine in those glass cases. And of course I am speaking only of handguns. Old Betsy would still work perfectly fine. Just as a thought experiment, America without guns, a would that be a better America? I think so.
And of course we will have to hear more details about this bathtub incident. The bathroom? Did the hypothetical wife complain about a spider in the tub and did Beagles march in there in his Kill 'em all. Let God sort them out t shirt, a cig hanging out the corner of his mouth, his finger on the trigger?
But that is all yesterday's paper right now. The big story is now the Crumbleys and their inept escape. What were they thinking? Well what were they thinking when they bought their clearly homicidal kid a gun and took him out to the range so his aim would be true as he was shooting at, well whatever he chose to shoot at. Why didn't they buy him a Bowie knife? He could probably only have killed one of his schoolmates then.
No stinkbugs yet in Beagles' neck of the frozen north? Probably a good thing for him as I note that many of my fb pals could not enjoy my deft rendition of the walking jewel because they had had other experiences with the animal that had been unpleasant. But then these were all the sort of people who had cabins and who camped, you know, nuts.
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