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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Good Guys and Bad Guys

 I should have known better than to use those terms because I knew that Uncle Ken didn't believe in good guys and bad guys, but I couldn't think of what else to call them at the moment.  I just now remembered what we used to call them in the army.  In a combat training exercise, the good guys were called "friendlies" and the bad guys were called "aggressors".  I understand that some outfits made a competition out of it, but we never did, it was always a scripted scenario with the aggressors losing the fake battle.

One of the specialties of our outfit was riot control, and we put on a show once a year for visiting dignitaries from the US and other NATO countries.  I participated in two of these events, one time playing the part of one of the friendlies, and one time playing the part of one of the aggressors.  I realize that this was not the same as being involved in a real riot, but we took pride in the level of realism that we put into our shows.  The grand finale was when a helicopter swooped low over the scene spraying tear gas, which finally dispersed the aggressors.  In the first show I was in, they used real tear gas, which was blown into the bleachers by a vagrant wind gust, dispersing the audience as well.  The next time they used flour driven by compressed air, which looked exactly like tear gas but did not inconvenience the visiting dignitaries as much.    

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