There is not much to discuss in that strange posting by Sheboygan's ABC affiliate. There are no statistics, no discussion, just a series of lurid scenes. Curiously at the end there was footage of the Portland mess, but no mention of the sack of the capitol, usually the two go together as kind of a show of being even-handed. And if the general subject was violence in American cities how was that left out?
I have heard nothing about this twerking incident here, so I googled around. It's basically a viral video with not much backup and it has been on many tv stations. Hmmmm. Didn't we have a recent discussion about Sinclair owning a station in Sheboygan? A short google search reveals that it is indeed this station. This is one of those things that Sinclair adds to the newsfeed of all its affiliates,
That certainly looks like a Chicago cop car the ladies are being lascivious on, but all the figures are very blurry and there is no mention of the date or what street this is taking place on. Apparently this video has just appeared a couple days ago and the Chicago police are looking into it. Myself I believe it is bogus, but that is just my opinion and I will wait until further developments before making a formal statement.
But even a lying liar (Sinclair) sometimes tells the truth, and violence is up in the wake of the pandemic and general ferment. I suppose we could discuss further, but not today. Usually when you want to put something up for discussion you give your opinion first.
There has always been that UFO thing. Barry Goldwater was a big believer, but since then it has not tainted the halls of congress, but now with the Trumpists who are lately presenting doctors who claim that getting the vaccine magnetizes you so that metal objects will stick to you and not one of the reps in attendance dared say she was full of shit, are getting in on it. But to be fair Harry Reid a prominent dem is a big UFO guy, so I don't know what to say except that the whole UFO thing is full of shit.
What you have to realize is that Catfish is relating this story and he is not the most reliable of sources. He does have an inflated view of his own studliness. In the story I do think he did at one time get a lot which was there to be gotten in the late sixties and early seventies of which I most definitely did not get my share. But that was then and this is now. Catfish is maybe ten years older, more of a bum, and that whole free sex thing has faded a bit. Also he is smitten by Gina and is pursuing her at the expense of other pursuits.
Catfish was really loaded when hooked up with Denise and we all know that he is not a deep thinker. Apparently the Dawgs have more experience of the behavior of hookers than I do, but I will say I have often read where the prelude of some sordid incident is that the john refused to pay the hooker afterwards and then the shit happened. So not all hookers demand the money up front.
But then I have often asked to the point of begging for comment on the story, so I can't complain. And criticism is much more important than bland praise, so I thank the two of you for thinking about it and giving me a piece of your minds. We are near the end of the story, maybe five more episodes to go, but you'll have to wait another day for a new episode.
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