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Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 Thanks to Uncle Ken for finding that link.  A week or two ago there was a letter to the editor in our local paper that mentioned this, but there has been no article telling the full story as of yet.  I found another bit about it in my news app, but have been waiting to get more details before posting about it.  Last I heard, there was some lawyer from downstate offering to pay for an audit like this at no expense to the county, which sounded suspicious to me.  Somebody questioned whether our county commissioners had the legal authority to accept this proposal and, having heard no more about it, I assumed the matter had been dropped.  I don't know if you can pin this on Sinclair or not, the story seems to have originated locally.

Cheboygan County commissioners request state audit 2020 election results | WPBN (

I know more about a similar issue in Antrim County than I do about this one.  It seems an error was detected and corrected before the vote tally was turned in.  A bunch of votes that were supposed to go to Trump were credited to Biden.  Suspicions were raised because that county always votes Republican.  At first we were told that there was a problem with the machine's software, but it was subsequently attributed to "human error".  Either way, the problem was fixed early on and Trump carried Antrim County, as he did Cheboygan County by a wide margin.  This raises the question why are the Trumpists challenging the vote in these two counties when their guy won both of them?  I understand that a lawsuit was filed in Antrim, but I don't know on what grounds, how it turned out, or if it's still in progress.

Sinclair certainly didn't bring tin hats to Northern Michigan, we've always had our share of them.  

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