The Catfish story has taken an unexpected turn. I thought he would never hit a home run with that woman. I figured she would lead him around in circles until his money was gone and then dump him. Well, she still might do that eventually but, for now, he's getting what he wanted and she's getting what she wanted. Sounds like a fair trade to me. I am reminded of an old army proverb: "There is no such thing as free pussy, it's all paid for one way or another, and the one you think you're getting for free ends up costing you the most."
I seemed to remember that there was some stuff you could put in the water to encourage plant cuttings to root. I tracked it down on Wiki and here's what I found:
A rooting hormone may be administered to "encourage" growth and can increase the success rate of plant growth.[20] Though not essential, several compounds may be used to promote the formation of roots through the signaling activity of plant hormone auxins. Among the commonly used chemicals is indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) used as a powder, liquid solution, or gel. This compound is applied either to the cut tip of the cutting or as a foliar spray. Rooting hormone can be manufactured naturally, such as soaking the yellow-tipped shoots of a weeping willow tree in water, or by preparing a tea from the bark of a willow tree. Shoots or bark do better when soaked for 24 hours prior to using.[21] The extract obtained from the crushing of leaves and bulbs of coco-grass (Cyperus rotundus) is used as an excellent rooting of cuttings and seedlings of various plant species.[22][23] Honey, though it does not contain any plant hormones, can also aid in rooting success through its natural antiseptic and antifungal properties.[24][25] Cinnamon[citation needed] or an Aspirin tablet in water[26] can also aid the rooting process.[27
You should be able to find a commercial product at your local garden shop, or you try making your own as the article describes.
I seem to remember reading something about that archeological find under Lake Huron in our local paper, or maybe it was on TV. I was surprised, however, when the video mentioned that the water level was low as late as 500 years ago. I thought it was at its highest right after the glaciers receded and has gone down in stages ever since.
Here's one for the "every time you think you've seen in all" department:
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