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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Fish On!

 It's beginning to appear that our Catfish is solidly hooked.  Of course all hooked fish are not successfully landed, so there is still some hope for his escape.  Interesting that Gina so easily manipulated him by dangling the lure in front of his face just out of reach.  Although that was common practice before the Sexual Revolution, I was not aware that people were still doing it as late as the 80s.  This reminds me of a story:

A long time ago, young couples were expected to wait until they were married to have sex, or so I have been told.  In those days, a certain bride-to-be was diagnosed with a minor heart condition and told by her doctor to avoid any strenuous or exciting activity for awhile.  "But Doctor", she wailed, "I'm supposed to get married next week, plans have been made, and the invitations have been sent out.  What should I do about that?"  After some consideration, the doctor replied, "Go ahead with the wedding, but you'd better delay the consummation of the marriage until we get this thing cleared up."  The lady decided not to tell her boyfriend about this because she feared it might cause him to have second thoughts about the wedding.  After the ceremony was safely completed, she finally confided in him:  "Honey, I have to tell you something, I have acute angina."  The groom laconically replied, "Well I sure hope so, 'cause your tits aren't all that great."

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