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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What Happened Here?

"1500 confirmed cases of the virus with 15 deaths does not come out to a 1 percent fatality rate.  Many of those 1500 confirmed cases will end up dying, they just haven't yet." - Uncle Ken

I hadn't thought of it that way, but of course Uncle Ken is right.  I'm just trying to put this thing into some kind of prospective.  The Spanish flu of 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people while, last I heard, there weren't even a million confirmed cases of the coronavirus world wide, at least not yet.  Fifty million would represent one percent of today's global population, but the global population was much smaller in 1918, so it must have been  more like two or three percent.  Without looking it up, I seem to remember that the Black Death took out half the population of Europe back in the 13th Century, but at least the remaining half didn't have to worry about running out of toilet paper.


My computer has been loading kind of slow lately, and I haven't been able to make videos work for three weeks.  I've had the problem with the videos before and it always went away by itself within a day or two, so I blamed You Tube.  This time, however, I tried to play some videos on Face Book and my news app, and none of them would work for me either.  I was on Face Book Saturday night, and it was glitching all over the place.  Then my screen locked up, so I shut it down by pressing Crtl, Alt, and Delete simultaneously.  Then I started it back up, and there was no more glitching that night.  My computer seems to be loading a little faster since then, and I was able to play videos both on You Tube and my news app last night.  Do my esteemed colleagues know what happened here?

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