For immigration I will just refer Beagles back to the first three items of Friday's posting. For the second item I don't see where the fact that Obama's father was a muslim (his mother was christian) and that he lived in a muslim country, and the fact that he had muslim friends as compelling evidence that Obama was a muslim, Just seems a bit of a stretch..
I was aware that there was movement to allow felons to vote, and knew that they had been successful in some places. It was a big circus when Blago got released and one of his first words was that he was going to vote for Trump. There was a discussion that night at the Ten Cat, and one of the guys was sure that Blago was not going to be allowed to vote. I wasn't so sure about it, but I didn't want to yank out my phone when the time was better spent signalling for another beer. The next morning I saw an article about how felons can vote in Illinois. Much as I had not bothered to to look it up at the Ten Cat, I didn't want to correct Beagles because who needed another argument. And then he brought it up again the next day so I. looked it up to make sure I was right, and only then did I put the scourge on Beagles.
I only say something came from Trump, or more correctly Trumpworld (which includes the Alex Jones types, the FOXies late night lineup, and various toadies who gather around him), when I can trace the item back to that source. With the current gusts coming from Trumpworld if you hear a lie, and particularly if it doesn't make any sense, there is a good chance that is where it comes from.
Casimer Pulaski day today (although the great man was born in March 4, to make things simple here in Illinois we celebrate it the first Monday of March), By celebrate I mean that the public schools in Chicago are closed and those dedicated public servants, who work tirelessly for the people of Illinois take the day off. It has not yet reached the status where it is commemorated by mattress sales.
But feb is done gentleman and March, for a very pleasant change is coming in like a lamb. I was taking my Sunday stroll by the river and the lake yesterday wearing just a sweatshirt, well not just a sweatshirt, but you know, no jacket. There was still ice on the water in the harbors, but it was thin and water was bubbling up between sheets. The Canada geese (I used to call them Canadian geese but Beagles corrected me on that (and note that /I took no umbrage, just nodded and apologized, and said you are correct Sir, just sayin')) had their beaks up in the balmy breezes, and you could tell that they were thinking, isn't there something I should be doing when the first breeze wafts, someplace I should be going? But then they noticed a tempting morsel on the ground and it fell right out of their bird brains.
Gentlemen, it is March.
March 1, stuff popping out of the ground across the street from me.
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