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Monday, March 16, 2020

Corona corona

Went to the Art Institute last week, and I'm glad that I did because a couple days later it was shut down, had lunch with some friends on the north side a few days later and now all the restaurants are closed.  Was st the Ten Cat Friday and this friend of mine there has a job with this company that does web sales for companies that don't want to bother and they are doing gangbusters because, like Beagles's neighbors they can't get items at their local stores.  And we were talking about this and that, and that is the last time we will be there for at least eight weeks.

Saturday I had my last meal in a restaurant, bbq pork fried rice, and coming back I thought I'd drop by Walgreens because I was a little low and I had heard all the news.  Well the shelves were sparse but I was able to pick up six rolls for ten bucks, seems to me earlier I could have gotten it for a few bucks less, but I was not complaining.  On the couple blocks back I got a lot of comments, but what are you going to do, your ass is not going to wipe itself.

Eight weeks! Criminentally,  Are people going to put up with this shit?  I remember when they put in the smoking ban.  It was to start at midnight on New Year's Eve but the clock stuck twelve and everybody was still smoking up a storm, and I was thinking hah, they'll never get away with this.  But the next day there were no ashtrays and it was like there never had been.  Actually it wasn't bad at all because it was nice to go out for a smoke break with all your cool cig smoking buddies.

They used to call it self-quarantining and it used to be voluntary, now it is house arrest.  I understand that Italy has a curfew, is that still coming for us?  Eight weeks!  Likely longer!  Will the people put up with it.  Well sure everybody is now, but how about as the weeks grow longer?  But what can they do?  I expect there will be makeshift speakeasies.  But the folks who attend them will likely not be the sort who washes their hands every half hour or sits six feet away from each other, so you will not only be risking arrest, you will also be risking The Corona, and the disapproval of your neighbors, because not only do you risk your life but there's also a chance that you could infect them..

My social life was more my classes, two watercolor, one ceramics, and one improv, but now they are all shut down.  About this time of year I visit a suburban friend of mine to experience the coming of spring at the Arboretum, but the big draw for me about the day is a nice restaurant meal with a few brewskis and now that's gone.  And I wonder if the Arboretum will even stay open.

People are pretty law-abiding about this so far, and so am I, because after all, who wants to die?    We wouldn't be in these desperate straits if Trump hadn't eliminated agencies that watch for this shit, or sat on his hands for a month or two when we could have been testing, but I see from the polls that he has taken no big hit from this.  All he has to do is deny and his followers will ignore anything that is said against him.  Almost all dems believe this is some serious shit.  Only about half of reps think the same.  I wonder how long Trump will go along with the program?

I guess I am not going to get to music today, but I wanted to say that I was able to find Beagles's cassette in my archives.  I see now that those words to the Dvorak song are somebody else's and not Beagles.  Beagle's song is to the point of pora pottys. Maybe too close in the details.

Today the is the bars last day./  I think I will venture out for a cold one and report on it tomorrow,

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