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Friday, March 13, 2020

porta potty blues

I don't get the horse singing thing,  The only thing I can come up with is something like only humans sing, but then there are a ton of things that humans do that other animals don't do.  And now that I think of it, don't birds sing?  I shall wait for further clarification.

I have Beagles's cassette and an actual cassette player buried deep in my archives but I know, or I think I know, the approximate location, but you never know how a dig into the archives will end up, so I will put that on hold for the nonce.  But I did go to the youtube and found Humouresque and there is like an opening movement, rather spritely, which repeats itself in the course of the song and I can see where Porta-Potty Etiquette folds nicely into that. By the way, why porta-potty when the song is about a train? 

It sounds like when this friend suggested Humouresque you already had all the words, so then I guess it was a simple matter like putting on a shoe that fits.  I was hoping to hear about something more dreamy, like a theme on one hand and a snatch of song on the other like two clouds, and then a few words emerging and then that causing a small change in the song and that small change in turn causing an addition and maybe a change to the words which in turn makes changes to the song and so on,

But I like the words, the rhyme, the meter (does passengers will please refrain come from City of New Orleans?), it has a driven beat,. a chug chug chug not unlike a train.  I don't understand the I love you and makes me think of you interjections, but I like them, after all, aren't all songs really about love?

I've never liked talking on the phone.  Well it's okay for a short talk to like set up a meeting at a time and place and for a long talk when I'm sauced to somebody who lives in another town.  Actually for the former I have discovered that texting is much superior.  You don't  have the problem of your respondent talking your ear off, and even yourself, you feel obliged to go through some boring pleasantries just to be polite, but with text you can just type out: Bill's  Burgers 7:30pm and be done with it.

For longer conversations you have the problem of hanging up.  At some point you are ready to be done with it, but then something occurs to the person on the other end of the line and then you are off on that, and then maybe you are off on something but don't notice the other person drumming their fingers on the table because you are being so eloquent, and so on and so on.  In person there are distractions and reasons why you have to be somewhere else and it is easier to break it off. 

And the internet I don't know, a pale shadow of being in person. 

The whole corona thing is depressing me.  Where shall I find my joy?

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