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Monday, March 9, 2020

The nose knows

I have never envied Beagles's swamp, and I don't now,...

We can agree to disagree on this, can't we?  I often think about how nice it must be to wake up early in the morning, step outside with a cup of coffee (regardless of the weather), take a big, deep breath and smile inwardly while thinking how wonderful it is to be alive.  Unlike some people, I don't think that Cheboygan is in the wilderness populated by gun nuts and ill-informed rubes, lacking any sense of sophistication or wit.

But I don't understand Mr. Beagles' supposition that we are in danger of excess population.  The information I've found indicates that we will hit a max of ten billion people by the year 2100, at which point the population will remain stable,  Birth rates are dropping around the world and even China, due to its former one-child policy, may find itself with a population shortage.


News of quarantines is going viral (I make joke) and now the whole country of Italy is in lockdown, if I can believe the latest fake news.  The only precaution I've taken so far is to buy an extra backup roll of toilet paper.

From what I hear it is the population boom in Africa and Asia that is causing these pandemics.

And from what I hear, the cause is the proliferation of "wet markets" in Chinese cities.  These are markets where live animals are available for purchase and slaughter on the spot.  The cages are crowded and there is a lot of cross contamination; sanitation is not a big priority.  And those Chinese have weird tastes, breeding wild animals (bears, pangolins) for food and medicinal purposes.  In any case, the situation will get worse before it gets better.


Our pals the canines have a newly discovered skill.  Besides a superior sense of smell, those cold, wet noses are able to detect heat.  This is amazing, in my opinion, and maybe you'll agree.  I tried a link but it didn't work so here's the URL:

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