Let me say this about that. Nothing. I will let stand what is standing.
One of Elizabeth Warren's offices is right across the street from the Ten Cat. I dropped in last Friday thinking I would drop off some money get maybe a handful of buttons that I could distribute among friends who are known Warren supporters, and cheer up the troops.
What has become of buttons? Used to be around election time you saw a lot of people wearing them. They were like bumper stickers for people, Anymore you hardly ever see them. Maybe they have gone the way of bumper stickers, don't see as many of them as you once did either. Well cars don't even have bumpers anymore.
Anyway, they didn't have any buttons. There had been a rally on the south side the day before and apparently they had given them all away, well they managed to find one somewhere. I pulled out my wallet to make my contribution, a crisp twenty or two, but no, silly me, they don't take cash. I had to make it by my phone. That unnerved me a bit, I am not one who can just whip out my phone and get things done, I am the old guy who is stabbing at it with his old fat fingers and cursing. I got it done once, but then I didn't get that congratulations email so I did it again and that one seemed to go through, and then it turned out that the first one had also, so she got her two crisp twenties.
I had a hard time getting out of the office, they wanted me to do phone calls or canvassing. Well I can shoot my mouth off in the blog, but not so much over the phone or in person to strangers to whom I would be an annoying interruption to their day. Well if I was made of stronger stuff I would have done it anyway, but alas I am not.
The more I am getting to know Bernie the less I like him. Well you know we all admire someone who stands up for what he believes in, but when it's not the same thing we believe in, not so much. But I generally believe what Bernie believes except maybe not as much as he does, and I am a firm believer in compromise, and he doesn't appear to believe in that at all. Nevertheless he is steamrolling towards the nomination and if we dems are to topple Trump we need to all stand together for our nominee.
The bumper sticker is alive and well on fb. People think of, or in most cases borrow, some pithy little expression (I hate pithy little expressions, nothing is that simple) and put it in some font against some background color and maybe add a photo or two and then put it up, mostly I think to annoy the other side. Fb is full of them, like a pre-Lady Bird highway with billboards..
Anyway I have discovered many Never Sanders bumper stickers among my so-called friends who I would have thought were loyal dems and I have been having my say with them, mostly to no avail. One of my talking points has been if Pete and Amy are so alarmed about a Sanders nomination costing votes down ticket why don't they just fall on their swords instead of dividing up the voters in their lanes?
And now they have. Just like that. Just before Super Tuesday. Which is today. Probably Biden will get their votes, but we shall see what we shall see.
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