Sometimes those guys at the mill sound pretty backward with all that
talk about sucks and 'radicals,' was it, and brainwashing. Well I
imagine they did pretty repetitive and boring jobs and that tends to get
tongues wagging just to break the boredom. What about this
brainwashing? Did they think it was a big joke or did they think it was
something sinister? You know when your employer pays you for your time
and he expects you to do this and that, that is all fine, but when you
suspect he is trying to tell you how to think, that sticks in the craw.
Moreso than when the preachers and the politicians do it because he has
that forty hour a week and paycheck power over you.
I don't know how much poor people thinking that that is their destiny to
be poor, keeps them poor. You can convince a guy otherwise, and he can
try not to be poor, but the odds are still stacked pretty high against
But there is something called victimhood which is generally used in a
racial manner, which my ilk hates, but I think there is something to
it. This is where a black guy sees himself as the victim of white
people and so there is nothing he can do but well, piss and moan. If
they get a job, I am thinking of some black employees my sister had,
they feel like they got it because the company has to hire so many black
people, so they don't feel like they should have to work that hard, and
if the boss complains it is just another instance of whitey beating up
on blacky.
Well my ilk is kind of responsible for that, everytime there is some
black/white confrontation we like to bring up 200 years of slavery, and
Jim Crow, and Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream. Which is all good
stuff, though it gets pretty boring, but maybe what we should be
thinking of more is the here and the now, and the particulars of this
particular confrontation.
If you carry around this attitude of victimhood all the time, you are
never going to get anywhere. I'm not saying that black people aren't
the victims of history, and that there still isn't a lot of racism
around that will make their lives harder, but they are not going to get
anywhere if all they do is keep harping on that.
I remember that part about spending the remainder of your budget at
year's end, lest you get less in your budget the next year. The end of
the fiscal year was always Christmas for my state agency and we could
all expect a new computer or whatever, because after all if the money
didn't get spent it could somehow find its way back to the taxpayer, or
as we phrased it, be wasted.
My state agency was big on SPC, (Statistical Process Control) and it's
offspring ISO, and a whole plethora of alphabet systems, which I think
were pretty good in their original incantation, but when applied by your
average company blockhead, not so hot. Well it gave the guy
implementing it tremendous power because he was telling people how to
act, and when you get to regulating things it's like eating potato
chips, you just can't stop, and maybe you can regulate a few things in
your favor, because don't you deserve it for doing all this hard work,
and if anybody questions you, why they are against SPC, and therefore
against Progress, and therefore against the American Way.
It has been brought up that most of the cops in the Baltimore thing were
black, and my ilk replies that police brutality is police brutality.
That is another thing about these incidents, is it about police
brutality, racism, classism, body cams, man's inhumanity to man, etc?
I think it's generally agreed by both our ilks that it is stupid to give
shit to a cop, regardless of whether the cop was right or wrong, so
there is a bad on the victim right from the start. But this doesn't
mean that this wrong gives the cop the right to kill the guy. The issue
seems to be generally did the cop actually kill the guy, but if he did,
saying the guy had it coming, is not an excuse.
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