Well, I said that I couldn't prove any of that stuff, it's just the way it looked to me. Another way to look at it might be that everybody put their differences on hold for the duration of the war and, once the world was made safe for democracy, it was back to business as usual. Nostalgia for the good old days is a common trait of human nature. Truth be known, if the good old days were really so good, people wouldn't have abandoned them for the promise of something better. Another thing is that many things look better when they're new but, when people get tired of them, or disappointed about the way they turned out, they long for the days of yore when life was simpler. Maybe the reason life was simpler back then is that we were simpler back then.
I don't know why they use Roman numerals to designate World War I and World War II. For that matter, I don't know why they use Roman numerals for anything. I suppose it's just tradition. I do remember that there was supposed to be a World War III, but it never materialized. What we got instead was a series of indecisive conflicts that just go on and on and never accomplish anything. All that money wasted on nuclear weapons and fallout shelters! I saw on the TV news that ISIS recently took another city in Iraq. The Iraqi regulars threw down their weapons and ran away again too, even though they had the bad guys out numbered. What's wrong with those people?
I don't remember fighting with my sister over drinking glasses, except maybe about whose turn it was to wash them. Those glasses were a matched set, probably a gift from somebody. I think a nebbish is something like a ghost. The nebbishes in the cartoons were simple line drawings that were blank in the middle, like they were hollow or something. There was probably some symbolic significance to that because they made fun of various aspects of contemporary society, like the song about the little boxes made of ticky-tacky. I seem to remember there was a lot of that going around in those days, made you want to turn your back on civilization and go off to Alaska or someplace like that.
I suppose you could say that Beaglesonia is as much a part of the Establishment as anyplace else. If somebody was bothering me there, I would call the cops and expect them to be on my side. I pay my taxes and stuff like that, so the concept of Beaglesonia being a sovereign nation is pretty much a fantasy. Still, it's not such a bad fantasy to have. Like some famous guy said, "Man's reach must always be beyond his grasp. Else what's a Heaven for?"
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