Wasted about half an hour this morning trying to figure out how to make
that font darker. Why the fuck would they make the font grey when they
could have just as easily made it black? A lot of the trouble in this
world of ours is caused by people making something less clear and simple
than it should be, in favor of making it more obscure just because
somebody (probably the boss's son in law) thinks it would look cooler
that way.
All I could figure out in my half hour search was that it probably can
be fixed, but it won't be easy. And you know those computer things,
sometimes you can spend all day on it and get nothing accomplished, that
is if you are lucky, most likely you will just make everything worse. I
am done fooling with it for the moment.
I didn't know that thing about the Indians came to be running casinos,
and I assume it is the same thing that allows them to peddle cigarettes
without all that state tax on them, maybe booze too?
But they can't peddle pot because the federal law is against it, even
when the state law is for it. I was thinking about that because on this
week's trip me and a couple friends visited a pot dispensary in
Colorado. What an experience. Normally you have to skulk about to get
your pot but here we just asked the concierge about where is the
nearest dispensary, and she called on one of the younger employees who
had all the information, but said this is just what she heard, she had
never been there herself, which nobody believed.
So let's see, you have to present an ID, and you have to be older than
18 or 21, and that's enough to get you into the inner room where dope
flowers (all anybody smokes anymore is the flowers) are displayed in
cases with a little tag which indicates their THC content, and some
information about their healing properties which I don't think anybody
reads, and you pick your dope and they wrap it up and you pay them.
Technically you can only smoke it yourself, and only at home, but as
long as you sneak around a bit and aren't too bold nobody minds. What a
world we live in.
I've heard that story about Nixon opening up to China because no liberal
could have gotten away with it, but I don't think there was any
establishment guiding his hand, I think he was doing it as a personal
coup. Actually I think we would probably have done it at any time,
except maybe not when a democrat was in power, as you pointed out. And
the whole point was not so much that the Chinese were now our pals, but
both of us wanted to stick it to the Russkies. I don't remember that
there was much of a fuss about it at the time. Maybe on the far right.
Do you remember a kerfuffle on the part of your ilk at the time.
I think both parties are equally warlike. The Republicans are more
vocal than the dems (witness how currently they are all calling for
stronger action against ISIS, but when asked specifically about boots on
the ground they begin to mumble). After Vietnam it took about thirty
years for us to catch war fever again, and it will probably take thirty
or more years for us to get it back again, and right now almost nobody
wants boots on the ground. I wonder how Rand Paul's dovish stance will
help him in the primaries. I say that if he does gain traction with
that, you will see some of the other republican candidates changing
their tune.
We've talked about the establishment before. I think our differing
opinions on that are that you see them as some kind of secret council
that meets and makes decisions that they all follow, whereas I see them
as kind of an unruly mob fighting each other for whatever they want at
the time. Perhaps we could compare your establishment to God and his
angels, and mine would be more like the Greek gods who we were always
fooling around with each other, and dragging us mortals into their
Perhaps I quibble, but I don't think Chicago deserves the murder capital
name. Overall, because our per capita rate is higher than New York of
LA we probably have the highest total, but per capita I think we are
about tenth in nation.
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