Proctor and Gamble? I'm sure you have mentioned that before but it
never clicked, or maybe it clicked and we have been all over the subject
and I have forgotten. I think that happens sometimes, but I don't
remember. Anyway, Proctor and Gamble, the satanists! C'mon now, at the
end of these enlightenment sessions didn't they make you put your
fingers to your heads to look like horns and have you chant, "Satan is
Oh that was a big rumor way back in I think the seventies, and that was
before even the internet. It seems to have died down. I think the
internet just competed with flashier rumors that spread at the speed of
DSL, and it seems like we like our rumors more political these days.
Pick any president's name, or anybody well known, and add 'the
antichrist," and you will get, well let's see, Hillary gets several
pages, but then you expect that. Justin Bieber gets a lot. Huckabee,
surprisingly to me, not so much. But probably that just proves he is,
because isn't the antichrist somebody that nobody thinks is the
I personally thought the lame stream media always kept an ear to the
Beaglesonian Institute to hear what the finest minds of our time were
thinking. Let's see if they start reviving the rumor about P and G
after I post this.
You know I read a science fiction story once about a man with a hammer.
Okay I didn't, I just didn't want to break my streak of science fiction
story inspired insights. But that story about the man with a hammer to
whom every solution is a nail reminds me of the responses to an
incident that suddenly pops into the nation's sleepy consciousness. My
ilk, who always wants to help out the poor, think it's because we don't
help out the poor enough, the police types think it's because we don't
respect the cops enough, the family values types think it's because we,
well not them, those other guys, have lost our family values. P and G
thinks it's because we don't realize how groovy Satan is.
And maybe we can put to rest this whole thing about how throwing money
at a problem doesn't solve it. What people mean when they say this is
that throwing money at your problem, which they don't care about,
doesn't solve it, but you can be damn sure that they want money thrown
at their problems. Oh and problems never get solved. We have had some
form of welfare forever and we still have poor people, we spend plenty
on hospitals and doctors and yet we still die, we spend god awful money
on the army and we still have enemies and we have not conquered the
But some of that welfare has helped some people get out of poverty and
into the middle class, and we generally live longer, and the military,
well we conquered Granada.
We all like to blame the politicians for our troubles, well generally I
blame your politicians, and you mine, but say they were responsible.
they are sitting in their offices smoking cigars while the cops in the
street are enforcing the laws, so these are the guys that piss off the
And you know for all my bleating about the poor, they are not such nice
guys. They are generally pretty ignorant, some of them are no-goods,
and that's why they are poor, and they are constantly fighting each
other to get a leg up, and they have lousy manners. I'm sure they piss
the cops off, and then the cops maybe get in an extra punch when cuffing
some guy, and that makes them hate the cops more, and so on and so on.
There are problems we will never solve, we can only try to make them a little better.
I think we should vote in that nice Anne T Christ who the P and G PAC are backing, she seems to have a plan.
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