Okay, maybe it's not even a good plan. You're right that it would have to be global to be effective, and that would require some kind of global authority to administer it, and I don't want to touch that one with a ten foot pole. I was just thinking that we could try it in the U.S. first and see where it went from there. Actually we wouldn't be the first, they did something like this in India back in the 70s, but I don't know how it turned out for them.
The savings would come from having fewer poor people to deal with in the next generation. The more I think about it, we don't even know if poor people have more kids because they are poor, or if they are poor because they have more kids. Maybe it would be better to find some other way to lift them out of poverty, and let the birth control take care of itself. See, that's the thing, I want to lift them out of poverty and both of our ilks seem to want to keep them there, my ilk for the cheap labor and your ilk for the cheap votes. You're right that poverty will probably never be totally eliminated, but that doesn't mean it can't be reduced.
I picked age 18 as the cutoff point because that's the legal age of consent for stuff like this. Funny that they let you fuck at 18 but they don't let you drink until 21. Why do you suppose that is?
If you'd have caught that kid and brought him to the office, what would they have done to him? My guess is not anything worth you working up a sweat over. What was his offence anyway, running in the halls? Well, you were also running in the halls. Didn't you ever hear that two wrongs don't make a right?
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