I had a little extra time tonight, so I looked up your link. Let's see: a secret memo, from an organization I've never heard of, divulged by an unnamed source, to a left wing nut publication. Should I believe it? Who knows, it might be true, just like it might be true that Obama was born in Africa. Even if it is true, it won't change my vote, so I don't care about it. I doubt that the rumor of Obama's African birth changed anybody's vote either. Speaking of Obama, how did he manage to get elected twice if those evil Koch Brothers and their ilk are so influential?
According to what I have read over the years, the British Empire was so successful because the countries they colonized, except us of course, were so busy with their tribal infighting that they didn't notice the British slipping in between them. I think that Spain and France had similar experiences. The one I remember is Cortez (Or was it Pizzaro?), who conquered the mighty Incas with only 150 Spanish soldiers, augmented by thousands of other Indians he was able to recruit because they already had a grudge against the Incas. They didn't have to divide and conquer, just conquer, because the dividing had already been done for them. I'm don't know much about Japan. Why don't you look that up for me?
While you're looking things up, I'd like to know the source of your assertion that Europe has a lower percentage of poor people than the United States. If it's true, it must be a fairly recent development because, according to what I learned in school, America was built by European immigrants who came here looking for a better life. Some of them were religious dissidents, to be sure, but most of them came here looking for economic opportunity. I suppose it depends on what you call "poor". I think a poor American would be considered a rich American if he went to Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania, or Bulgaria. I'm not sure about England, but I seem to remember that France had some kind of race riot a few years ago, and it was blamed on the poverty of their colored people.
I guess the education we got in the Chicago Public Schools was good enough. Where would we have gotten a better one? I remember my parents were considering sending me to Morgan Park Military Academy for awhile, but they decided against it. I went with them for a tour of the place, and I was favorably impressed. The problem was that we lived just far enough away that they would have required me to board there, and my mother didn't think that was such a good idea. There was another time they were considering enrolling me in some kind of experimental program at the university of Chicago. The deal was that you could advance to different grades according to your ability. You might be in one grade for one subject and in a different grade for a another subject, and kids of all different ages might be in the same classroom at any given time. It sounded cool to me, but my mother was worried that being around all those older kids might "give me ideas". Funny, I thought that's why you went to school in the first place, to get ideas.
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