I was looking towards a more detailed description of animals' emotional response to having sex. Not a whole lot of details, but just inasmuch as whether they seem to be enjoying themselves or if they are just in the thrall of hormones, but I suppose it could be both.
Just from my limited experience with house cats I would have to disagree with your idea that animals don't enjoy anything. I guess you could call eating a biological imperative, but what about play? They play all the time, and they come back for more. Oh I can't see how you can't call that enjoyment. I know that you had that Beagle that you are named after, but I suspect he was more of a working dog, and I wonder if you had any pets. Did you ever have an animal that was of no service to Beaglesonia, but you kept it around and fed it, just because you liked it?
I think any further evolution intelligentwise is going to have to wait until we are gone. We are not going to tolerate any competition, Hey remember that "I once read a science fiction story where..." thing. This gives me a chance to tell one. I may have told it before, but I can't pass up the chance to tell it again.
There was this guy who wondered why rabbits, foxes, alligators, never developed any kind of civilization, and he figured it was because they had such a hard time surviving that they never had any time to figure things out, so he fed them and housed them so that all they had to do all day was think about science and philosophy and the arts, and sure enough they developed their own advanced civilization.
This guy had also fed and housed the ants, and now they were building steel towers instead of ant hills and little robot ants were buzzing through the skies, and they were taking up more and more land, and the other animals were alarmed, but they didn't know what to do about it because how do you talk to ants?
Man had left the Earth, I don't remember why, but they had like saved a simulation of the guy who had fed and housed them on a computer so that they could talk to him when they came across a problem. So they explained the situation to him and right off he told them how to make ant poison. They were horrified, they had worshiped the guy and here he had proposed mass slaughter.
I suppose the big hole in the story is how can you ever expect to have an advanced civilization if you aren't ruthless? You and I wouldn't be discussing things on this fancy dancy electronic blog if we weren't on the winning side of slaughters going back to the first guy who figured out how to throw a rock.
Saltpeter doesn't work? Well then how do you explain why the guys in my dorm spent all their time discussing philosophy and doing arts and crafts and trying to find a cure for cancer, instead of staring at the windows of the girls' dorm for a peek of a nipple or whatever or swapping those skin mags from trembling sweaty hand to trembling sweaty hand, like we would have done had that pat of butter not lain so sensuously in her little pool of steaming gravy?
What about the current religious freedom laws controversy? Here are these govs of Indiana and Arkansas thinking they are quietly going to pass a law so that their god fearing bakers won't have to sell cakes for gay weddings, a little sop to the bible thumpers, and all of a sudden they are caught in this media firestorm, and back pedaling as fast as they can while none of the prominent religious candidates, Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, dare utter a word to defend them?
I do believe it is a bit of overkill, but I do think they deserve what they are getting.
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