Of course there are some of my ilk who speak of conspiracies, and worse,
the politically correct ones who tie logic up in knots and then accuse
everybody who disagrees with them of being a racist or a sexist. I do
think this memo thing is better sourced than most of the wild things
that come from your ilk.
Still there are rules, and I should know because aren't I always trying
to impose the crucible on your more free wheeling style. See I was
assembling an argument of the nature that the tea partiers were being
led by a very rich oligarchy, and going beyond dumping money they were
now organizing their own campaign workers so that we were moving towards
a society where there would be no more political parties, just various
rich guys contending to put their men in. Well even as I type that it
seems highly unlikely, just something we are getting a little closer to,
but I doubt we'll ever get there.
And I think you would prefer that, a country where the very rich ruled,
but once they sucked all the money out of you, they would leave you
alone, as opposed to Obama's socialist paradise where you would have to
marry your gay dog. I think you would like to go back to the way things
were about a hundred years ago when the businesses bought the
government and there were no regulations and you never saw blacks or
hispanics or gays making a spectacle of themselves.
I think my ilk is more afraid of yours than vice versa. When my dems
abandon socialized medicine and settle for Obamacare, I am disappointed,
but I realize that it's the best we could push through the rep infested
congress, and we dare not go very far leftward lest we offend the
people and end up with reps ruling the whole roost. Whereas your ilk,
who I have to admit right now are in primary mode so that they are
nuttier than usual, propose crazy things like that anti gay marriage
amendment that has zero chance of passing and outrages most of the
country, but they don't care what the rest of the country thinks. When
the press goes into these small Iowa and New Hampshire towns when they
want to take the political temperature they go into places like Joe's
Bait House, they never go into a Starbucks and interview my keyboard
clacking, latte lapping, ilk.
You neglected to mention the white man's germs. Likely the Spanish
empires would have gone out of favor in the normal tumult of politics,
except for the fact that about half the Indians were wiped out by our
Of course I believe that there are more poor white people than poor
black people. My ilk is always bringing that up when we are battling
your ilk over welfare. We think, mistakenly I believe, that your cold
cold hearts are more likely to be melted by white people, who look like
you, standing in your welfare line, rather than a bunch of blacks
jumping and jiving to their crazy hip hop music.
This story about whites not applying for welfare until they saw black
people, which is sourced to a story you heard, makes no common sense at
all. I am casting it aside with the mild admonition to cogitate upon it
yourself for a couple minutes to see if it makes any sense.
And I don't know about your Indian population research. It sounds like
you are making a lot of assumptions, and right there in the census data
you have the amount of Indians who declare themselves so I will go with
that. Actually, outside of those guys who are officially connected to
the tribes and get a cut out of the gambling and smoking swag, I think
pretty much anybody who wants to call himself an Indian is one. just
like being a cowboy, if you buy a hat you can be a cowboy too.
So the supremes take up gay marriage Tuesday, and indications are that
they will declare it to be what the founding fathers would have wanted
had they lived a few hundred years longer. The republican hopefuls in
Iowa are hooting and hollering like Yosemite Sam, and declaring that it
will ruin the country.
So I guess I have to ask, because you said in black and white about a
year ago that it would devalue your Beaglesonian wedded bliss, so I am
wondering how is that going? Are you less happy in your marriage? Has
the state of Michigan collapsed into moral anarchy?
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