We're flogging a dead horse with this abortion thing. The only reason I brought it up was that it was passed the same way they are going to pass this gay marriage thing. First we vote it down, then the Supreme Court nullifies our vote and forces it upon us. You're right, I can't do anything about it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
I got to thinking about that Indian thing today. I assume you looked up the demographics of the City of Cheboygan, where less than 20% of the residents of Cheboygan County live. Then there's Emmet County right next door. They have more people than we do, and I'm sure that they have a higher percentage of Indians. When the Indian fishing controversy was going on, it seemed like half the people in the paper mill were claiming to be Indians. Well, maybe it wasn't half, but it seemed like it was because they were mouthing off about it so much. Many of these new found Indians were probably from rural Cheboygan and Emmet counties, so that's why I was surprised to hear that Cheboygan had only 4 or 5 % Indians. Be that as it may, nobody cares about it anymore, so I guess it's another dead horse.
I didn't say that the Cheboygan area had a racially balanced population, I just said that we have all kinds of people here, and that most of them mind their own business and don't bother anybody. Our 90% White population is pretty diverse in and of itself. We have people of French, English, Polish, Swedish, and at least one of Czech ancestry. (There used to be two of us, but one of them died.) Then there's all those Indians that you don't even know are Indians unless they tell you. We have Catholics and Protestants (both mainstream and holy roller types), and a lot of people who will tell you they believe in God but haven't been inside a church in years. I'm not aware of any Jews or Muslims but, if you cross over into Emmet County again, you will find some Wiccans and a substantial congregation of Indians who have reverted back to their traditional indigenous religious practices, complete with sacred drums and peace pipes. (I'm not making this up.)
I guess I shouldn't complain about Whites being marginalized. After all, our ancestors did it to the other races for centuries, and it's only fair that we get our turn. As for government representation, we have a Black president. Actually he's only half Black but, of course, the White half doesn't count. I understand that Blacks are disproportionately represented in the prison population, but that's because they commit a disproportionate number of the crimes. I don't know why there are so few Black rich people. They are no longer being held back by law, and any corporate executive who denied one of them a promotion would certainly have some 'splainin' to do. The schools have been integrated for a long time, and most universities actively recruit Blacks and other minorities in the interest of "diversity". (They used to call it "quotas" but, for some reason, the Supreme Court made them change it to "diversity".)
There was something about Rand Paul on the news recently. I understand that he has officially announced that he's going to run for president. Good for him! They said that he is a more savvy politician than his father, and is already kissing up to the "moderate" (RINO) Republicans, since he already has the Tea Party types in his pocket. If he can manage to bring them both under the same tent, it would seem to indicate that he might be sufficiently devious to actually have a chance of winning this thing. One can only hope.
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