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Thursday, August 28, 2014

the income inequality distribution graph

In the early days of Republicanism it was they that supported public works while the Democrats opposed them. Well if you go back far enough in the history of the political parties you find it hard to figure which was the party of the left and which was the party of the right.

The smartest thing we could do with social security, considering how much longer we are all living is extend the age at which we get it. Of course that will never happen because whoever suggests that is going down in flames. The other problem is that congress refuses to fund it the way they should, but then they are that way with everything.

This is an unfair charge that Obamacare was implemented to help the insurance companies make even more money. Obama pushed hard for the single payer but the reps wouldn’t let him have it, so he had to take what he could get.

I’ll admit to flaws in the restaurant example. There are always flaws in setting up these little examples because they inherently misrepresent something. I did say they all paid five bucks so we know they all contributed equally. Whether or not that reflects real life is irrelevant, that’s why it is an example. I just wanted to know that if the situation was as described, would that seem unfair to you. Yes or no, like the lawyer to the witness. Of course this is bogus too, not all questions can be answered that way, it is just a trick of the interviewer to make the interviewee look like he is dodging the question. Of course we never use deceptive questioning in the halls of Beaglesonia.

But here’s an example that is widely used: the level playing field. We are all of us
Americans playing on a level playing field, and we all have an equal chance to get rich, and if for some reason the playing field becomes unlevel why we should do whatever is in our means to relevel it. I believe if we asked any politician that unfair choice of yes or no, they would all say yes. They might differ in what is to be done to relevel it, but they would think it should be made level.

Of course in reality it can never be really level. We want to give our kids advantages. Should we not be able to pay for the kid to go to a better school, even if our neighbor can’t afford that and his kid has go to a crappier school where his kid will learn less and rub shoulders with poorer kids who won’t have the connections that our kid going to Snooty High will have? Our kid doesn’t have any greater moral right to the road to riches than the neighbor kid has, but there it is.

So this is all I am saying, but big deal, so what? Everybody knows that. I have wasted all that time the legions of Beaglesonia followers have spent reading this just to say that? Hardly seems fair.
Arrgh, you know, it seems like I spend a good part of the morning driving towards my point, and by the time I get there I see the day is slipping away and I have to get out and about before I can finish my journey, and so it has happened again today.

The point I want to make is that isn’t there some point on the income equality distribution graph, where it just doesn’t seem right, where something should be done to change it, just for the sake of fairness? There. Yes or no.

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