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Monday, December 16, 2013

Eating animals

I don’t believe in that trichinosis thing, where that was the reason the Jews, and hence the Arabs, but not those bacon snapping Christians, thanks to St Paul who stepped in and saved our foreskins as well, didn’t eat pork. How the hell could they have known that, and if they did why didn’t they just say we don’t eat pork because it’s unhealthy. And it’s not like the Jews prospered and everybody else sickened and died because of eating all that pork.

I do remember hearing that theory though. It’s the kind of thing where at first it seems clever and then later more like poppycock and I don’t see it promoted much anymore.

I’m particularly suspicious of those religions that tell their followers what not to eat and what clothes to wear, or that goes in for lucky charms. Seems so superstitious. Just saw a show where they were talking about a chapel that was built in a church, but then they razed the church but left the little chapel untouched, and then inside the church they showed us, inside a glass case, the leg bone of Mother Cabrini. What the hell? This is the twenty first century. This is America. This is the Catholic Church, not some zombie institute from the Caribbean.

I did read lately though that there were a lot of Jews living in Rome, and they were pretty cosmopolitan, but they obeyed the dietary laws and hence they could never go over to any gentile house for a meal, and that was where a lot of socializing went on, and so this kind of kept them separate even thought they were neighbors.

I don’t go in for that heritage stuff. We do this because this is what our ancestors did, because generally what we are doing is just what our ancestors did at a certain time, but if you look back further they did something different.

I’ve always been sympathetic with vegetarians. I have that city boy idea that all rabbits are Bugs and all deer are Bambi and all pigs are Porky. It would be nice not to kill them, and it would certainly be a more efficient use of our grain if we just ate it and then fed it to animals. Of course that doesn’t mean we would end up distributing it nicely to all those starving people in the world, and if we didn’t raise them to eat how many cows or chickens would ever see the light of day? But those no cheese or eggs, or leather shoes or belts guys, I have to think they are a little strange.

Those sophisticated Europeans eat horses, and I never saw why we didn’t. Maybe when Obama brings us European style socialism that will come along with it. And those people that the Death Panels give the thumbs down on can be fed polar bear livers.

That anti fur thing doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. It’s not like all those anti people are vegetarians. Maybe it’s those traps, they seem so cruel with their sharp steel jaws. You told me the story of trying to skin the raccoon and from that I guess that you don’t do any trapping. Does anybody around you? How does that work? Do people just spread traps around their land and take what they get, or do a few people pay others to put traps on their lands?

I think it’s the coats themselves, that get people against them, they look so soft and furry just like the animals.

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