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Sunday, April 4, 2021

We're Number One!

I read in the paper the other day that, over the last seven days, Michigan reported more new COVID cases per capita than any other state.  Funny, the last I heard, about a third of our population had been vaccinated and I just got my first COVID shot the day before.  It's beginning to look like the vaccine isn't going to be any more effective than the locking down and masking up that has been shoved down our throats by Queen Gretchen.  I don't remember if the numbers went down or up right after I started wearing my mask in public, but the long term trend has certainly been up since then.

 My daughter and the guy she lives with got caught in a contact tracing chain and are now in quarantine, even though they both have been vaccinated and have experienced no symptoms.  They told my daughter that she tested positive, and the guy has been unable to find out the results of his test.  They recently returned from a trip to Minneapolis, and their neighbor, who took care of their dog while they were gone, has also been quarantined.  She doesn't have any symptoms either, but I don't know whether or or not she has been vaccinated.  

Call me paranoid, but I don't think these people are even trying to stop the virus, they seem to be trying to keep it going so they can use it as an excuse to fuck with us.  With all the species that have been driven to extinction by human activity over the years, I find it hard to believe that they couldn't make one tiny virus go extinct if they wanted to, so they must not want to.  No other explanation makes sense.  

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