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Monday, April 12, 2021

Local COVID Update

My daughter's quarantine has expired and she never developed any symptoms.  I wonder if this counts as a confirmed case.  Although she tested positive, there was no actual case.  Her guy's test results finally came back, and they were negative.  I read somewhere that, if a death certificate says "natural causes", they frequently count it as a COVID death.

I was in Walmart yesterday, and none of their 14 checkout lanes were in operation.  A sign on each one said to see the "self checkout lane host" if you need help.  I knew they had some self checkout lanes, but I didn't know they had a host.  Apparently there is one host who goes back and forth between the six or eight self checkout lanes and helps anyone who's having trouble.  I had never used a self checkout lane before because I figured they should give everyone who uses one a discount because of the paid checkout clerk they are replacing, but now I had no choice.    

While the host lady was teaching me how to operate the machine, I asked her if this was going to be a permanent thing.  She said that it was until they could hire more help.  They had been running short handed for some time, and now many of their people are in quarantine.  She said that, even when they are able to hire a few new people, they don't last long because "they don't want to work".  I have heard this lament before, but usually from manager types, which I don't think this lady was.  I commented that Cheboygan isn't the only town having this problem, I was in Petoskey the other day and there were "help wanted" signs all over the place.  Another lady in the next lane said that she knows of several businesses in Petoskey that have shut right down for lack of help.  The last time I was in Walmart, a discussion ensued in one of the only two regular checkout lanes that were in operation, and the consensus was that it was because they are paying people more not to work than they could make working.  Somebody blamed it on Biden, and I was going to point out that they were doing the same thing when Trump was in office, but it was late and I just wanted to get out of there and take my groceries home.

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