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Tuesday, April 13, 2021

unemployment rate

 The CDC says: If your COVID-19 test was positive, this means that the test did detect the presence of COVID-19 in your nasal secretions. This result would suggest that you are currently infected with COVID-19.

So I would assume that Jenny had covid when they tested her. 

I had one of those covid tests before I could go in for my colonoscopy.  They have this long cotton thing that they stick up your nose and at first you think that it's going to be sort of funny in a little kid booger way, but they stick it way down and it really hurts.  Also feels uncomfortable like when they probe some part of your body that they don't usually probe, like maybe your eyeball.

When I said that thing about non covid tests being counted as covid was popular in Trumpworld I meant that it was a charge that Trumpists would toss off with the usual flimsy lies.  This wasn't Trumpists exaggerating the covid tests, this was Trumpists accusing others of calling death by natural causes, like say a car crash, covid if that person happened to have covid in his bloodstream, which like voter fraud there were never any real cases cited.

I think these store owners know the cost of the self serves going in and are doing it to save money.  I wonder if they removed them because of shrinkage.  It's very tempting to just slip a few items directly into your bag without them crossing the bar code reader, or if it's something that is being weighed just saying it is a cheaper item than it actually is.  

If the suppliers for a store raises his prices, or the landlord raises the rent too high, the store goes out of business and well that's the invisible hand of the marketplace, that's the essence of capitalism.  Likewise if they can't afford to pay their help the going rate, they are not going to be able to stay in business.  When republicans oppose raising the minimum wage they always point to poor old Mom and Pop on a shoestring, while the benefits of keeping the wages down go mostly to fat cats.

Fifty or so years ago when I was collecting unemployment in Champaign I had a card where I had to list I think it was five places where I had applied to work each week.  It was no problem at all to fake it.

 I have never before seen a situation like we have now, with a labor shortage during times of high unemployment.  

This is also the first time we have had a booming economy where the rich guys are making out like bandits and yet there has been no increase in wages in like five years.

We've both been talking about the unemployment rate, and I was assuming like Beagles that it was pretty high, but I really didn't know so I went to google and here is a pretty good graph.  It does show that the Trump dip in unemployment was a continuation of the Obama drop, just wanted to say that.  But it also gives the current rate at 6 percent which historically is not that high.

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