I did not conduct the search recommended by Uncle Ken because it was about Black unemployment numbers, which was not my area of interest at the time, and still isn't. I wanted information on the current labor shortage, specifically how widespread it is and how long it's been going on. In the process, I came across some information that I thought would be of interest to my esteemed colleagues, namely that the labor shortage has driven up blue collar wages faster than white collar wages, and has resulted in increased hiring of women and minorities. In reporting my findings, I made a small joke, namely that both of these findings should be good news for the liberals, but that they might not be because none of this was government mandated. It has occurred to me that Uncle Ken, being unfamiliar with sarcasm, took such offense at my little joke that he felt compelled to attack everything else I said about the subject. If that be the case, I hope Uncle Ken will accept my sincere apology and my promise to never resort to sarcastic humor on this forum again. See, I can write fiction too!
I looked up that Sinclair Broadcast Group, and this is what I found:
A 2019 study in the American Political Science Review found that "stations bought by Sinclair reduce coverage of local politics, increase national coverage and move the ideological tone of coverage in a conservative direction relative to other stations operating in the same market."[3][4] The company has been criticized by journalists and media analysts for requiring its stations to broadcast packaged video segments and its news anchors to read prepared scripts that contain editorial content, including warnings about supposed "fake news" in mainstream media.[5][6][7][8][9]
This is not consistent with my experience, and I've been watching our local NBC affiliate for decades. One possible explanation:
Hyman disputed these allegations by stating that its newscasts were "pretty balanced" and that "the reason why some on the left have characterized us as conservative is that we run stories that others in the media spike."[124][132]
Another possible explanation:
The must-run segments usually only apply to those stations that have their own news department. For Sinclair stations where the newscast is operated by an external newsroom, the contracts generally forbid Sinclair from interfering with editorial control.[156]
Another possibility is that the alleged allegations are fake news themselves.
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