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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

too dumb to refute

They all look alike to you because you don't know any better.  Your ignorance of the mideast is profound and astonishing.  I know I have spent a lot of my morning hours explaining it to you, but it has all been for naught.  You know very little and you are not interested in learning more.  I used to kind of enjoy explaining things to you and dismantling your arguments.  Much of what you say is false and even the arguments, you make from those falsities do not logically follow.  There is no point in me addressing them and I won't bother today.

One thing.  You say it's only illegal immigration that you don't like, but maybe a couple weeks ago you said you didn't want any immigration because you didn't want to have less elbow room in the swamp.  If America is the promised land then that is where the Jews belong so maybe you are right that we should bring them here.  They could build a settlement on Beaglestonia and build a wall around you and then you would have some idea of how the Palestinians feel.

Saying impeachment is a scam does not make it so, especially if you are getting your information from the big baby who is the biggest liar to come down the pike since, since, well the biggest liar.  I would address your further thoughts but they are just wrong, which a little reading would reveal, but you are not interested in that.

If I seem out of sorts it's because I was under the cloud of war last night.  Those dozen missiles launched by Iran were ballistic which is pretty advanced and means they could put them wherever they wanted.  They could easily have killed a bunch of our guys, but they chose not to.  Well good for that,  That is their tit for our tat, and hopefully there will be no tat for their tit.  The latest tweet from the big baby sounds like that may be true, but of course he could change his mind on a dime.  There have been instances in the past where cooler heads have swayed him to a wiser course, but that only lasts for a little while and he soon reverts to form.  But, like the bully who dreads the bloody nose, the big baby has never really liked conflict whee the other guy is able to fight back, so maybe we do have a bit of peace for a bit, which is better than war.

What Bolton said was that he would obey a subpoena from the senate and now that Moscow Mitch has it locked up tight that is never going to happen, so that seems to be a bust.  Of course, as a private citizen he could spill whatever beans he has whenever he wants.  Methinks what he really wants is to sell a bunch of books.

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