How about this one? The Russkies have been discovered to have been probing into the doings of Burisma (the Ukraine oil company) just lately, just about the time that Trump was delaying aid to Ukraine unless Zalensky announced to Time Magazine that he was initiating an investigation into Hunter Biden. Obama got lambasted because he was perceived to have been bowing to the Saudi King, Trump is almost openly colluding with the Ruskies and his people are all like this is no big deal.
I have been reading articles at my political sites about Nancy's delaying tactic. The usual conservatives are crowing that it was a failure because Moscow Mitch has this all locked up, but he would have had it all locked up even sooner without the tactic, so where was the loss? There has been a movement among the Trumpier of the Trumpists of the Trumpist party to not even really have any hearings, to make a few itty bitty changes in the senate rules, and have a vote at the outset declaring Trump as innocent as a lamb, bang the gavel, and there is a done deal.
At first Moscow was against that because well, it just seemed unseemly, why not take a little more time and go through the motions because he had the votes and the outcome was certain? And Trump was against that because he wanted to have a big beautiful tv show. But then up popped Bolton (what is his game?), and Moscow got nervous, and maybe Trump too, though I don't see that emotion in his makeup, and they both decided they wanted to bend the senate rules and dismiss the whole thing out of hand, but then, owing in part to that scalawag, Son O' Ron, it turns out they no longer had the votes for that skulduggery.
Nancy is handing over the articles today. Meself I would like to see her rummage through her handbag and then say, "Oh my goodness, I must have left them in my other handbag, you gentlemen don't mind if I take a cab home and rummage through my handbag closet, and as long as I am there, powder my nose again? Sit tight I'll be right back."
The issue right now is witnesses. The dems would like some provision for witnesses before the hearings begin, but Moscow says oh no, we'll take up that issue before the proceedings begin by which he means never, and he has the votes to ram that through.
Or he had the votes, anymore it is not so certain. There is the scalawag, and those few republicans like Collins who raise dem hopes by sometimes acting like they might be moderates but always end up caving, only they might not cave, and there is Romney (what is his game?). So maybe there will be witnesses after all. Of course the reps could still just vote to hear only the witnesses they want, but that would look pretty bad, and maybe the scalawag and his ilk will not even allow that.
In the end, it is still highly unlikely that the dems will convince twenty Trumpists to come over to their side, but the electorate is the real jury on this whole affair. Let the games begin.
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