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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

They All Look Alike To Me

I have heard that there are different tribes or factions of Islam and that they all hate each other, but they are united in their hatred of us.  If ISIS is the sworn enemy of Iran, then how come they attacked Iraq, which is also a sworn enemy of Iran?  I seem to remember that Iraq and Iran fought a war with each other some time ago.  I don't remember who won, but it doesn't matter because they are both bad countries as far as I'm concerned.  If Uncle Ken thinks there are any good countries in the Middle East besides Israel, perhaps he could enlighten me by naming just one of them.

I was against Trump's abandonment of the Kurds, but it turned out that all the Turks wanted was a buffer zone between them and the Kurds because they both hate each other.  Sounds reasonable to me.

If things in the Middle East settled down a bit when Obama was president, it was probably because he liked the Muslims.  I used to think that he was a Muslim but, according to Wiki, he is not now, nor was he ever.  Be that as it may, he must have liked the Muslims because he made a speech about it that won him the Nobel Peace Prize.

You know what I think?  I think that God just made Israel for practice, and that America is the real Promised Land.  I didn't find that in the Bible, it just came to me once out of the clear blue sky.  I think that qualifies a revelation, or maybe it's just common sense.

I have said before that I have nothing against legal immigration, it's the illegal immigration that I oppose, mostly because it's out of control, which is why the immigration laws were passed in the first place.

Like I said before, I don't like Trump's personality, but I do like some of the things he is trying to do.  I have always wished that the Republicans, or even the Democrats, had a candidate who was a nice guy with the same agenda as Trump, but they don't, so it's starting to look like Trump is the only choice available.  It seems that he was right all along about this impeachment thing being just a big scam.  Since they don't expect the Senate to convict, the Democrats are now trying to stall it off so that it's still up in the air come election time.  They never expected a Senate conviction, they just wanted to make Trump look bad, as if he needed any help with that.

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